
Consider this scenario: A young man or woman enters college and selects Physics or one of the physical sciences as their major. Study the methods and works of those who preceded him. You commit to certain lines of thought and a vocabulary that supports these thoughts and ideas. He / she moves slowly but methodically up the ladder of academic excellence and does everything possible to contribute something worthy to the chosen career. He becomes very emotionally and mentally involved in such a career, and gradually most of his time and effort is devoted to the chosen career, which becomes for him or her in most of life. When writing or discussing aspects of your chosen career, you are careful to choose the correct vocabulary and follow the group guidelines of the profession; patterns that have been built over centuries by the most notable names in history.

When he hears or reads something completely outside his field of activity, he instinctively and immediately rejects the data as if it were from an uninformed source. We are all biased and can be quite unconscious for many who always try to be objective when evaluating “new” data. But, consider how difficult it would be for them to carefully consider this new data as having any validity, and how easy it would be to simply discard that baseless data. But, suppose for a minute that the accumulated data accumulated over centuries by the supposedly wisest human thinkers were not entirely correct and were based on a limited area of ​​global existence; a physical and materialistic point of view with a rather “fixed” condition that they have been in and are currently trying to discover the truth that makes everything “work”.


Now, suddenly, they are faced with an alternate vision of everything they consider precious to their chosen fields; fields to which they have devoted most of their adult life. No wonder they find it fairly easy to just dismiss such novelty and, for them, rather ignorant data. Take, for example, the “strange” idea that everything is continually evolving and converting and nothing is fixed. And, furthermore, that the entire solar system and everything within it is ALIVE. Let’s take a closer look at this idea of ​​evolution. Can it ever be accepted by modern science that humanity, human consciousness, and the characteristics of Matter are rapidly evolving with each other and that even our senses, on which the empirical method depends so much, evolve along with the characteristics of Matter and human characteristics? history? Consider this outline, taken from HP Blavatsky’s “The Secret Doctrine”:

1) Aether Hearing (Sound)
2) Air Touch (sound and touch)
3) Fire sight (light) (sound, touch and color)
4) Taste of Water (Sound and Touch and Color and Taste)
5) Earthy Odor (Sound and Touch and Color and Taste and Smell)

Now consider this: until now, humanity has passed through five root races, or unique civilizations in specific global locations. Each number above represents one of these five root races evolving from the first to the current Aryan root race. Each root race developed one of the elements at the same time that it developed one of the five senses, which, as can be seen, incorporate those previously developed. Since the “Septenary Principle” holds throughout all of existence, there are two more Root races in our human evolutionary history. As these new Root Races come into existence, they will simultaneously develop new elements or characteristics of Matter and new senses, of which we have no concept at present. It is reported that the sixth root race will start in about seven hundred years from now, and a seventh root race in millions of years. At the conclusion of the seventh Root Race, our globe will “die” and the Life Force now circulating over it will reportedly move to Mercury. Before the Life Force reached Earth, it circulated on Mars and the Moon, which is the progenitor of Earth and is much older than Earth. Both Mars and the Moon are now decomposing, just as the human form does after death, and for the next Root Race, the Moon will disappear from our skies. As the root races evolve, each shows a difference not only in physical appearance, but also in levels of consciousness. Have you ever tried to explain the causes of differences in physical humanity? For example, the eastern races, Japan, China, Korea, etc., are the current remnants, the last sub-races of the fourth root race, the Atlantean. The Aborigines of Australia are the final remains of the third root race, the Lemurian. Each root race has seven sub-races.

As can be seen here, evolution is an endless process and carries both humanity and the characteristics of Matter along the Cosmic Plan of the solar Logos. And that is true not only for our little planet, but also for existence and Life in all aspects of our solar system and the Universe.

Supposedly, the next characteristic of Matter to evolve will be Permeability. This means that we can see the astral plane, the one above the physical, as clearly as we can now see the physical plane. There are seven planes in our solar system. The physical plane is the lowest; the foundation of the system, and this is where most of us have focused our consciousness. And this is the blueprint that modern science now studies to find answers to its questions. The answers provided by the Ancient Wisdom come from higher planes of our system; the only source that contains the Truths that science seeks.

The only genuine science is esoteric science that originated in the East and has gradually made inroads into the West for centuries, and will one day give our scientists the answers they now seek in vain. #

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