rogue wolf

Oldenglen is a special place near Jax’s home in southern Oregon. Having his life uprooted from life in England was difficult for him. However, the school was not his salvation, but the magical relationship he discovered with this unique forest and the creatures that live in it, as well as the trust and friendship between them. Keeping the area protected […]

7 Dynamic Project Management Methodologies for Marketing Professionals

From time to time, the marketing industry has gotten tougher, and success is something that is hard to come by, something that all marketers aspire to. To differentiate themselves and stand out from their competitors in the fast-changing world of marketing, marketers are learning project management skills to stay on top of every project they undertake. Project management and marketing. […]

Developing your creative genius

Do you wonder why it is important to understand our true birth identity? Do you know your spiritual gifts and talents? The answer to these two questions could arouse interest in learning more about the creative genius in which you find yourself. You were born with the ability to create and manifest and you may have noticed this in elementary […]