The soul is beyond the body and therefore, from this perspective, it does not matter how tall or short a person is. The true height of a person is his character and his deeds.

However, height is a natural human ambition. I agree that in today’s context it is partly due to the glamor associated with tall stature. If that were the driver for any height-increasing drive, the efforts would defeat the purpose. Because the true purpose of height gain must come from a sincere desire to achieve as much of our potential as we can. A tall height represents the full growth of the body and therefore we should strive for that full growth.

Height varies from person to person based on their genetics, climate, and other conditions. Therefore, the general comparison of the height with others is not a correct approach. Instead, the correct approach should be to stay as healthy as possible for full body growth.

I was born as a boy of medium height. Until I was 17 years old, my height did not grow much. At the age of 17, just over 5 feet, I was among the short students in my class and I was often ridiculed for being short and skinny. Honestly, I was humiliated at times by the tendency to avoid public company as much as possible. The matter got worse because I could see that many other guys who were shorter than me a few years ago now outnumber me.

But for once, I decided not to rationalize anymore and act like an ostrich. I decided to address my concern head-on. I changed my life pattern completely. For the next two years, I committed myself to new patterns and when I was nineteen, I was 5’11 “and had an extremely flexible and agile body. Today I am over 6 feet tall.

In this article, I would share those tips that I followed in my height transformation process. I’m sure these will benefit everyone to achieve their full potential:

Tip 1: Mind Power

Our body responds to our thoughts. According to our thought patterns, the appropriate hormones are secreted and physiological changes occur accordingly. Positive thoughts reverse the aging process and improve health. Negative thoughts accelerate the aging process and stunt growth. Therefore, the critical first step in gaining height is to reprogram your thought patterns. It will not only help you increase your height, but it will also bring you benefits in all areas of your life. For me, it made me a diligent person who helped me gain admission to IIT. Here are specific suggestions on mind programming for height gain:

  1. Refuse to accept that you were born unhealthy and short. Visualize yourself in the most perfect health and live every moment with that vision.
  2. Stop compromising on quality issues. Keep demanding everything you can think of.
  3. Imagine that your height increases every moment with each movement of yours.
  4. Stop the traits of anger, helplessness and despondency.

Remember that willpower is the key. Once you get the hang of it, the break will work automatically. If you try these tips without strong willpower, it will never work. This secret offers you everything you want in life.

Tip 2: food

Just stop eating junk, fried, spicy and greasy food. I cannot emphasize more the importance of a simple, nutritious and healthy meal. Our body is made from the food we eat. We go from being a baby of a few centimeters to an adult adult only through the food we eat. Food is the raw material that is used to build our building that we call the body. How can you expect a strong building to be built using inferior raw material from the junkyard?

Here are some tips that have helped me:

  1. Eat at least two hours before bed
  2. Have a light dinner
  3. Regular consumption of sprouts
  4. Have a regular eating time and avoid the habit of chewing now and then
  5. Avoid the consumption of tea, coffee, cold drinks, ice cream, chocolates, etc.
  6. Regular use of triphala powder at night or early in the morning.
  7. Eat lots of fresh fruits
  8. Drink a lot of water
  9. Walk for 10 to 15 minutes after meals.
  10. Eat soaked almonds in the morning. The gulbandi variety is the best.
  11. Eat in sukhasan. This posture is a wonderful gift from our ancient seers.

Tip 3: exercise

The human body is built to work hard and live actively. The more we avoid physical labor, the more we become prone to underdevelopment, faster aging, and ailments. Get in the habit of doing rigorous workouts at least three times a week and regular exercises the rest of the days.

My routine in those days was the following:

  1. Wake up at 5am and have a variety of workouts until 8am. These included the combination and combination of the following:
  • Running and jogging
  • Flexibility and stretch
  • Martial arts practice
  • Asans and Pranayams
  • Meditation
  1. At night I used to go to do Taekwondo exercises three times a week. High kick practice is extremely beneficial.
  2. On Sundays we used to go to play cricket.

This active routine worked wonders for my body and activity.

I would request all who are seeking health to join in taekwondo lessons up close. Taekwondo differs from other martial arts. In taekwondo, the emphasis is on high kicks and free stretches that help the body grow. In many other martial arts, the focus is on restricting body movements within a small region. Therefore, it seems to restrict a person’s height.

Similarly, weight training should be avoided for the first 20 years of life. That should be replaced with free hand exercises like push-ups.

Many claim that Yogasan can help increase height. I even saw a video of a famous hathayogi. He gave a passionate speech on the video that seemed to show low height as the source of all miseries and inferiority complex. Ironically, the hathayoga guru himself appeared to be no taller than five and a half feet.

The fact is, hathayoga is getting a bit over the top these days and its benefits are getting too inflated as a marketing gimmick. Certain asans benefit, but in essence it is the overall healthy lifestyle package that is effective. Replace these hathasans with any type of aerobic physical activity and the results would be exactly the same. Maybe even more!

That being said, certain poses are quite helpful for growing tall. These should be added in the exercise routine: chakrasana, halasana, sarvangasana, pashchimatanasana, pavanmuktasana, hastapadasana, mayurasana. Among the Pranayams, the only pranayams that I have found to be truly effective are Bahya Pranayam, Abhyantara, and Chaturtha Pranayama. These provide all the claimed benefits of a variety of breathing practices such as Anulom Vilom, Bhastrika, etc. These rigorous outdoor cardio pranayams provide all the benefits you want from an exercise regimen.

Make sure you develop the habit of deep breathing. We will discuss the art of deep breathing in a separate article.

Tip 4: Various

  1. Sleep well. The more you exercise, the more rest your body requires. Especially for growth, you need to make sure not to deprive your body of much-needed rest.
  2. Sleep early. You work so hard during the day that you tend to fall asleep at 10 at night. Wake up at 5 or 6 depending on your comfort. I prefer to vary the waking time according to the needs of my body. Avoid night sessions.
  3. Keep your spine straight
  4. While standing, try to stretch your entire body upward. Sometimes stand on tiptoe to fully stretch. You can even raise your hands to stretch further. On more formal occasions, you can stand normally and yet try to stretch your entire body without lifting your toes. Keep doing it from time to time. If you are on a bus, see if you can stretch without standing on your toes and touching the ceiling with your head.
  5. Don’t stay in a static position for long. Keep moving and changing posture. Stay active and exercise your body at all times.

Tip 5: Brahmachraya (Mind Control)

It goes without saying that all of this works only with perfect control over the mind. Get in the habit of challenging your mind with more control each moment. Once the mind is mastered, the world will be at your feet, height is an insignificant thing.

To develop this mastery and realize what the real fun of life is, the following is recommended. The more you practice, the more you earn:

  1. Stop putting your mind on all kinds of sensory inputs that tend to promote lustful thinking patterns: romantic / vulgar songs, movies, literature, company. These generate hormones that speed up the aging process and hinder full natural growth.
  2. Stop looking at the idiot box. In addition to dulling the mind, it makes your breathing shallow and thus causes growth retardation.
  3. Similarly, avoid video games, iPods, and other silly tools.
  4. Stop digging too much through old newspapers. Use it just to keep up to date. Filling your mind with depressing stories from the past, first thing in the morning, is the worst treatment you can give yourself, who is naturally programmed to always look to the future.
  5. Prepare viable plans. Avoid discussions and analysis that have no relevance to practical application and are simply a waste of time.
  6. It goes without saying that you avoid all acts that lead to loss of vital energy and semen.

We will discuss the topic of Brahmacharya in detail in another article and dispel certain myths surrounding the topic. Brahmacharya is the greatest potential remedy for all human beings living today and it needs a correct, relevant and correct representation.

Share your feedback with these practices. They should start working in a few months. In addition to full body growth, you would also get a healthy body and a confident attitude.

Stretch to your full potential!

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