Why Everyone Is Wrong About Credit Scores

Today’s 550 credit score may very well have been yesterday’s 780 credit report. When I look at a credit report, I’m surprised that I’m struggling to qualify borrowers who once had very high credit scores. Most once had six-figure incomes with a credit report well above 700. These factors put these borrowers in A-paper categories. Take, for example, Robert, a […]

Impact of Digital Transformation and Trends

How companies will be transformed by adopting these technologies: A digital transformation strategy is to build capabilities to take full advantage of the possibilities and opportunities of new technologies and achieve faster and better impact. This is a strategy that companies must adopt if they want to evolve and survive. Digital technologies such as cloud computing, analytics, mobile computing, social […]

How private is your employee’s call?

Most people believe that they are entitled to complete privacy on the phone, as long as, of course, they walk into a room alone and close the door. At home, this makes sense. At work, however, calls are often recorded. Many people are already used to this concept by calling as a customer. When you call a business to speak […]

Get to know the trendy bathroom remodel ideas for 2018

Compared to the past, kitchens and bathrooms have taken on a fresh aura and been given greater importance. In addition to the functional aspects, they must be stylish spaces, well decorated with tiles and adequate cabinets, appliances and lighting fixtures. Ventilation is important for health reasons, and art encourages the feel-good factor. The revamp sheds old designs and embraces new, […]

What is the difference between marketing and sales?

There seems to be an endless discussion between marketing and sales professionals about what the difference really is between marketing and sales functions. Most of the time both Business activity terms are used to describe any business. activity that is involved in increasing income. for little ones businesses, with limited resources, it is often not practical difference in marketing and […]