Teach reading at home from birth

reading and babies Child development begins at birth, as does the teaching of reading. From the moment babies are born they are learning the different sounds of human language. Even before they can understand a single word, their ears hear the sounds and their brains process them. This is the first step a child takes on the path of learning […]

Your words are containers of power

Your words are containers of power. With the tongue we bless God and curse men. “From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things must not be so.” (James 3:9-10) What does that really mean? It is understandable that we should not curse our fellow man. However, any time you utter a negative word in jest, such […]

Saying goodbye to my appendix

Over the years I have heard philosophers scoff at their navels in an ivory tower. Why an ivory tower? Maybe the lighting is better. I don’t know about you, but my belly button is a cute little “innie” and it would be hard to see it properly without the right lighting. But my contemplation of the navel is more mocking […]

Personality and Behaviors of Persian Cats

General description Persian cats are beautiful, social and harmless companion animals. They are also called Iranian cats or Shirizi cats. The scientific name of this domestic animal is Felis catus. Persians have silky, shiny fur, a round face, bright eyes, and long hairs all over their bodies. Cats are generally famous for calm and sweet behaviors. They used to ask […]