Ancient Hieroglyphics and Chinese Writing – Evidence for the Tower of Babel?

King Nebuchadnezzar who ruled Babylon (c. 605 BC) claimed on a plaque found in the ruins of an ancient tower that he had completed the structure that the first king of Babylon had left unfinished due to language confusion. A prolific builder, Nebuchadnezzar accomplished much in the revival of culture and science of his time. It is remarkable that this […]

Dad’s Dozen protects children

Parents, take a moment to feel peaceful love for your children. Then check out these crucial tips to keep your child safer and protect your precious offspring from the danger that lies ahead. 1. NOW I KNOW MY ABC If your child is old enough to learn the ABCs, then teach him your phone number including the 1, area code, […]

Top 10 pen and paper RPGs

Here is a list of the top ten pen and paper RPGs of all time. Although there is no scientific way to prove the ‘best role playing gamesHowever, this list takes into account the general popularity of pen-and-paper RPGs since the industry was created. 10-Gamma World – It’s a post-apocalyptic game, but not Mad Max style. This game fits more […]

What Are the Simple Basic Ideas About Satta Matka?

Simple Basic Ideas About Satta Matka? If you’re a newcomer to Satta Matka, you might be wondering: “What are the simple basic ideas about satta mati?” Here’s a quick run-down of the most important elements to learn about this Indian game. First of all, the game involves numbers and is a form of lottery. It has many variations, including one […]

My top 10 favorite stage comedians

There are so many different styles of comedy and each one has their own, at least the ones that stand out. You have the standard monologues that stand with a microphone and use words to create their humor, musical-type acts that use instruments or sing and have musical accompaniment, prop acts that use visual aids to make the crowd laugh, […]