The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Gurus and Leadership in Pickup Training

One of my fellow mPUA and meetup participants, “Trophy” (so called because it’s a prize for women), sent me an interesting theory about why so many men who are new to the dating community love the gurus who are TERRIBLE in the game. He’s in college learning evolutionary psychology and marketing, and I’m the lucky recipient of his discoveries. He […]

The fallacy and the myth

It’s always funny when “know-it-alls” dismiss certain methods as useless or “impracticable”. A “victim” of this line of thinking is the “crossed arm” or “X” block (for lack of a better term). We often hear phrases like the “X block myth”. Usually this catchy “hook” leads to a tirade condemning this technique in the strongest terms. Those who “know better” […]

How To Turn Her On – Powerful Psychological Tricks That Will Raise Your SEX Temperature Fast!

It’s a little known fact that women can’t help but feel aroused if sexual ideas are planted in their heads. However, not many guys really know how to do this, and more often than not they rely on tired old routines and pick-up lines that really get them nowhere. Worse yet, there are self-proclaimed “seduction gurus” and charlatans who are […]