The 3 types of keyword databases

If you have been marketing on the internet for a while, you should have realized the importance of keyword research. No matter how or in what way you make money online, you most likely need to have the right keyword research skills to analyze what these keywords mean. Keyword research is the critical first step for any website, SEO strategy, […]

Why do shy people look like snobs?

Shy people are often misunderstood by extroverts. What seems so natural to outgoing people, such as making good eye contact, smiling, and being open to others, is extremely difficult for shy people. How does a shy person usually look at others? A shy person has body language that draws, rather than extends. For example, shy people often show little or […]

The Definition of One-Way Link Building

Link building is a very popular and unique way through which you can increase your website popularity and traffic. Link building depends on the number of links pointing to your site. The more inbound links you have, the more exposure your site will have. This process also helps improve your site’s search engine ranking. One-way link building The link building […]

Sampling – Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO)

The object of market research is to find information that generally refers to people’s opinions about something or someone. It is almost always impossible to poll (ask) everyone who might matter, let’s say all potential voters. In this example, all possible voters would comprise the “universe”. Instead, market researchers examine one part of the universe. That something is called the […]

Successful real estate agents use 5 steps to answer/address questions and concerns

Although there are many more real estate agents than successful, it might be helpful to analyze, consider and understand what the best do, what makes them stand out from the crowd. One of the key areas, which often differentiates between them, is how they effectively address concerns and answer questions to the best of their ability, and, for the satisfaction […]