Hound – Dog breeds

Breed group: Hounds Weight: Male: 90-110, Female: 80-100 lbs. Height: Male: 25-27, Female: 23-25 ​​inches Overview Hounds are an ancient dog breed, and their origin is not entirely known. However, they are known to have been perfected by monks in Belgium. The Normans first brought these dogs to England and the United States. Bloodhounds are hunting dogs, but they love […]

10 promises to my dog

Pets bring us a lot of enjoyment, smiles, laughter, relaxation, refreshment, a new meaning of life and a sense of responsibility. Any pet is sweet and adorable. Cats are independent and dependent at the same time. In that sense, a cat is low maintenance, but lovable. Dogs are relatively high maintenance. A dog owner needs to walk their dog at […]

Qualities of good dog harnesses

You love your dog and are doing everything you can to give him the attention he deserves. You want them to eat well and look good, of course. In the effort of trying to make your pup look good and stay safe, you try to check out dog collars or harnesses. Then this certain question arises in your mind: “What […]

The pros and cons of hiring dog trainers

Whether for reasons like learning agility training, either for fun or competition, or simply to help an out-of-control dog learn how to behave better or execute simple commands, more pet owners are considering hiring a professional dog trainer. instead of trying to train him. their own dogs. Here are some pros and cons to consider before hiring a professional dog […]

5 Guidelines When Buying a Siberian Husky Puppy

There are many potential dangers when it comes to buying a Siberian Husky puppy. The following 5 guidelines will ensure you purchase a quality puppy that will provide you with a lifetime of happiness and husky love! 1. Buy from an ethical Siberian Husky breeder Unfortunately, the dog breeding industry is plagued with irresponsible and unethical practices. In the United […]