Can my pet make me sick?

Can having a pet make me or my children sick? The answer to that question is “yes” and “no”. There is always the possibility and there are also ways to prevent problems. The best way to ensure that germs and/or bacteria are not spread is to practice good hygiene. Cleanliness seems to be the best prevention of common illnesses. However, […]

The Teacup Yorkshire Terrier is a show dog

The old saying that dogs are man’s best friend is actually true. Consider investing in a Yorkshire terrier teacup if you want a pet that is sure to be a valuable addition to your life. This breed is unique for its small sized dogs that have traditionally blue and tan colored coats. This breed of dog is one of the […]

The Cat Man of Malta

If you are a stray cat, Malta is the place to be. They don’t catch you and kill you like they do in so many other places. They’ll fix you up so you don’t have kids and then they’ll let you go. It’s not the best life, but the weather is usually quite nice and you can find shelter somewhere […]