Why choose custom?

They say that the two most important rooms in the house are the kitchen and the bathroom. Why? Because if you’re looking to sell your home, these are the two rooms potential buyers will be going through with a fine-tooth comb. These are the most expensive rooms to refurbish, and if they’re shabby, it could put off those buyers. If […]

Change is inevitable Porta Potties then and now

The war effort of the 1940s required short, solid, sterile toilets that could be erected while army installations were being developed or personnel were moved to fields without foundations. The earliest eras of porta potties were huge, bulky structures made of wood or metal, and were an ordeal for transportation from one site to another. The rise of plastics and […]

Vacation Rental 1031 Exchange

We are often asked if the tax liability for the sale of a vacation home can be deferred using IRC section 1031 procedures. The answer to this question is found in the 2008-16 Revenue Procedure. The general rule for ALL 1031 exchanges is that the property must be held primarily for investment or use in trade or business. To demonstrate […]

5 things to do before renting your house

Renting out your property may seem like an easy way to increase your passive income, but when you start the process, it can be more complicated than expected. Your house can stay on the market for months without a rental applicant because it is priced above fair market rent. A bad tenant may be late or outright refuse to pay […]

Budget Flip Checklist: What You Need to Include in Your Budget for a House Flip

Many people are drawn to television images of people ripping materials out of a dilapidated house, renovating it, and selling it for a substantial profit. The gain made on each investment can be modest or substantial, or the investor could lose everything depending on the decisions made before or during the process. My house move budget checklist Before you go […]