Natural cure for asthma found in Fiji

According to World Health Organization estimates, nearly 300 million people worldwide suffer from asthma, with nearly 10% of the world’s population diagnosed with this lifelong respiratory disease. In the United States, about 70% of asthmatics also have allergies to pollen and certain foods, especially dairy, and the annual economic cost of asthma reaches $20 billion in medical and indirect costs, […]

Cannabis relieves the symptoms of Lyme disease!

Living in the rural areas where tall grass and bushes are everywhere, lies a creature that can make you very sick with its bite. There are many different species of ticks, but only a few can infect us with a deadly virus. “Ticks are arthropods, like spiders. There are more than 800 species of ticks worldwide.” It is true […]

How to deal with a noisy camp neighbor

We’ve all had to camp next to a nasty campsite where voices and music grew louder overnight, the sound of beer bottles, barking dogs and foul language filled the air, along with the noise of a car. , Motorcycle, RV Engine or Generator revving through the night. What should a camper do? Most people understand basic camping etiquette, but there […]

Divorce: when children’s access is denied

Children’s access, sometimes called visitation, can be very difficult for divorced or separated parents. Children are always best served when both parents act reasonably and courteously towards each other and realize that regardless of what they think of each other, their children benefit most from having two caring and caring adults. in their lives, even after the divorce. The cooperation […]

Lice Infestations: Are Schools Doing Enough?

As the owner of a busy home lice treatment service, I speak to dozens of parents and caregivers each week who are beyond frustrated with these pesky parasites. They are often desperate and want their battles to end forever! What I have found in talking to these parents is that there are still so much misinformation about head lice. To […]