Trim and Skim Fat

Recently, after extensive dental work, my dentist suggested that I go on a liquid diet. Being a girl from the south, I refused to drink only broth and water. Reluctantly, I went to the grocery store and bought the best soup on the shelves. I got home, opened the can and added my freshly ground pepper. Between the Novocain and […]

NFL sports betting and bookmakers

in the NFL Sports bets, the running back is one of the most important players to think about. As we see it, here are the top five running backs, in ranked order, heading into the 2006 fantasy football season. 1. Shaun Alexander (Seattle) – Sure, you might hear some people make a strong case for Larry Johnson as the No. […]

baked fun

Baking: Many people understand what it is, but it is losing popularity as our lives become increasingly fast-paced and convenience-oriented. We just can’t spend enough time baking in our own homes. Despite reduced popularity in baking simple items like cakes and bread, baking specialty items like cookies and muffins has seen a rise in popularity due to a broader and […]

Best Outdoor Kitchens – Design Ideas

Why have outdoor kitchens become so popular? Have you noticed how people always gather in your kitchen at home? Whether it’s a family moment, a casual gathering of friends, or a large party, you can count on people gathering in the kitchen. Now imagine that kitchen as big as your backyard. Outdoor kitchens allow the gathering to go outside without […]

Why is Kenya so expensive for tourists?

There seems to be a common misperception that Africa should be a cheap holiday destination, and many are surprised when presented with a quote for their safari. This article investigates the reasons why Kenya is expensive for travelers and offers some tips on how to cut your costs and still enjoy your safari. For decades, the Western media have presented […]