
BI-RENT (PADRE PIO AND PYTHAGORAS): – I have some experience with an even more ‘fantastic’ event that relates to dematerialization. Some approaches to the Bermuda Triangle could even be part of a dimensional shift and time/wormhole science, which string theorists and chaos science may provide arcane formulations to test. My own experience is not a physical ‘bilocation’, so it would […]

Important factors to consider in competitive analysis

To complete a full competitive analysis, you need to know the competitive landscape. You must know who your competitors are. Prepare an overview of your competitors, their strengths and weaknesses. Position each competitor’s product against your products. Understand the needs and preferences of the customers you are competing for. When considering your competitors, determine what are the similarities and differences […]

Etiquette and tips for busking!

Here are some suggestions that I have accumulated in my experiences on the streets. Additions and contradictions welcome. For what it’s worth, my act is to be there playing fiddle tunes – I don’t bottle (directly ask for tips) or joke around, and someone with more of a “show” type might need to do a few things differently. CHOOSE A […]

How to choose a racquetball racket

Selecting the right racquetball racket for you can be tricky. If you’ve been playing for a while, you may already know if you’re a HEAD guy/girl, or an Ektelon guy/girl, etc. If you’re looking to get your first serious racket, or even your first racket period, answering a few simple questions can help you in your search for the perfect […]