Do you come across marketing tactics that just make you shake your head? Well, here’s a random list of 10 annoying tactics I’ve come across lately that make me do just that. Hopefully, you’re not doing any of these because they just don’t work and you’ll end up alienating and alienating people if you do.

#one. Include a personal message promoting your opportunity when requesting friends on Facebook or send a message to your new ‘friend’ as soon as they accept, promoting your opportunity: Delete, Ignore!!!

#two. Participate in community forums and message boards SOLELY for the purpose of posting your link. How can a person think this isn’t blatantly obvious?!

#3. Create a group on Facebook (or another) and spam your group members’ inboxes with offer after offer. That’s a very good way to lose members FAST and if you don’t lose them, at least they will surely put you on ‘ignore’.

#4. Advertising for a website that does not include a way to capture information about visitors to your website.

#5. ‘Badmouthing’ other companies, people and using negativity in an attempt to attract people to your business.

#6. Trying to “sell” and “convince” people to join your business.

#7. On Twitter, tweeting pretending to have a conversation with someone, retweeting something you didn’t actually tweet, and/or direct messaging people who just followed you with your ‘offer’.

#8. Hiding your emails in an effort to ‘trick’ your recipients into opening them – this is spam 101.

#9. Using ‘cheesy advertising’, ‘hype’ and making ridiculous income or product claims.

And #10. Repeating the same message promoting your product or opportunity over and over again on your Twitter profile, Facebook status, etc. What are you thinking???!!!

Bottom line…we are all in business to do business and there is nothing wrong with spreading your message through various forms of media; however, there is a right way and a wrong way. You will have much more success being authentic and genuine when networking or meeting others online, so instead of thinking about what you can ‘GET’, first think about what you can ‘GIVE’. People listen to you because you have something worth saying and not because you are spamming them with your ‘offer’.

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