Professional Corporations – Advantages and Disadvantages

What is a professional corporation (PC)? A PC is a corporation owned and operated by one or more members of the same profession (for example, doctors, lawyers, accountants, dentists). The services provided by the company are generally restricted to the exercise of the profession. Professional corporations are now allowed in all provinces and territories of Canada. In each province/territory, the […]

The 3 types of keyword databases

If you have been marketing on the internet for a while, you should have realized the importance of keyword research. No matter how or in what way you make money online, you most likely need to have the right keyword research skills to analyze what these keywords mean. Keyword research is the critical first step for any website, SEO strategy, […]

Personal fitness: you have time

Who has time to exercise after a full day at work, manage their children’s extracurricular activities, homework, bath and other daily routines, walk the dog, cook a [healthy?] dinner for the family and so on ad nauseam? Well you do, do it like this! Yes, I KNOW that you are busy, stressed and have too little time already. However, exercise […]

Importance and usefulness of jurisprudence

Jurisprudence is basically a theoretical subject but it also has practical and educational value. The practical value or purposes of the case law have been listed as follows: Yo. Remove the complexities of the law: One of the tasks of jurisprudence is to build concepts and make the law more manageable and rational. ii. Respond to new problems: Jurisprudence can […]