Once upon a time there was a little boy who was always excited. He sang, he danced, he played, no matter what he did, he did it with the enthusiasm of a puppy with a shoe. He was curious, enthusiastic, and enthusiastic about everything around him. In fact, being enthusiastic was the only way he could be! That little boy was you.
But now it sounds like a fairy tale, right? Somehow the mundaneness of life has killed off any little enthusiasm that might be left in our adult selves, and it’s sad that we have learned to live this way. But not anymore, here are seven easy ways to regain enthusiasm in your life. These techniques have always worked for me and science backs them up, too. Because it has been shown that if you break the monotony and introduce something new and challenging into your brain, it works better! And all of these “ways” are guaranteed to get the “happy hormones” flowing.

Remember when you were young and you used to scribble with crayons for hours. You loved doing silly little drawings, not worrying about what the result will look like. So get pens, pencils, crayons or whatever you have and just draw, doodle until your mood changes. You never know, you might have a brilliant idea or answer to any problem, because doodles help your subconscious to express itself through the unrestricted flow of creativity.

Chase a feather
Put on your running shoes, find a less crowded stretch (if you’re aware of people), and chase the wind. See how fast you can run. Take the time and beat your previous record! You could surprise yourself!

PS – Of course, it goes without saying that this might not be suitable for people with health problems. In which case, does chasing after a pen or even a piece of paper work just as well? Just find a safe place with the wind and release it in the air, remember how easy it was for you to run after it when you were little? Well, it still is!

Try something new
Eat something you’ve never tried before. Go to that new restaurant you’ve been wanting to try for months. Or better yet, cook something new! And savor each bite with all your senses. Let your eyes enjoy the sight of your new dish and then enjoy the aroma. As you pop a bite into your mouth, let your taste buds ride the roller coaster of new flavors and flavors. Food has an amazing psychological and physiological effect on us. Haven’t you heard that chocolate is one of the best to lift your spirits?

Pretend to be someone else
For a few minutes, forget about yourself. Try to think, act, and behave as someone you know would. Eg: your mother, your boyfriend, your boss, etc. Talk like them (even with them), walk like them, talk to yourself the way they do (only the good things!), Even comment on things the way they do. Put yourself in their shoes completely! Ask yourself, “If I were my boss, how would I do this?” After a while, when you return to your old self, it can be a very fun and instructive experience to discover what it means to be you.

Dig out old treasures
Bring out your childhood stuff, things you hid from everyone else. Or things you collected for “after 20 years” Relive the good old memories for a while. If you are staying in a rental away from the house you grew up in, don’t worry, there is an option: Clean! ? It may sound like a silly idea, but cleaning is a very therapeutic activity – it’s dusting off cobwebs and clearing clutter in and out of your head! It motivates you to start over.

Practice different types of laughs
Have you ever had the experience of laughing for no good reason? Isn’t it cool? Laughter is one of the best ways to lift your spirits. Can’t think of anything funny? Try smiling like crazy in the mirror or imitating the laughter of people you know and see how difficult it becomes to control your laughing muscles. It is not easy, but once you start, it is not easy to stop!

Especially the way you did when you were little. Let go of your body, let it swing as it wants to the rhythm of your favorite dance songs. Invent new dance steps!

Life is too short to miss another sulking moment. Go crazy, it takes courage to act a fool and it pays off.

Get back on your feet and take life by the reins, it’s time to enjoy the ride.

Prachi mayekar

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