Five years ago today, our great nation of freedom was attacked by a selective group of Islamic extremists. September 11, 2001 marked the first time since Pearl Harbor that an attack was carried out on American soil on such an enormous scale. It was an atrocity against every American citizen, whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim or of any other belief, it was an attack to take away your freedom… an attack on your right to choose your lifestyle, your way of living life and yes , your wellness.

On that day, Americans of all faiths came together as one, as one nation, and as the old saying goes, “United we stand, divided we fall.” We were strong in & weeks after 9/11. We stood tall, holding hands together as an unwavering beacon of freedom, and I have never felt so proud to be an American as I did then. Everywhere I went, my eyes caught the old glory flying proudly after years of being hidden out of ignorance or perhaps lack of faith in the leadership of the nation that represents the old glory.

And then the common unity we all shared went to hell in an oversized hand basket.

Atrocities happen, and the backlash against the war on terror has shown that even Americans can be guilty of cold, calculated ideas and motives that would shame any individual who truly loves freedom. From leaders within the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, Cindy Sheehan and even the Dixie Chicks, everyone has spouted anti-war rhetoric and been terribly ashamed and shown their true motives time and time again.

Cindy Sheehan’s son, Casey, was a hero who bravely served his nation in the war on terror and did so with honor and pride in serving his nation. Casey was proud to bring freedom to a part of the world that had never really known life outside of a dictatorship and it is people like Casey who make the war on terror a fair fight that freedom will not lose. His mother, instead of hers, has done nothing more than shame Casey’s memory, she has disrespected the man who dreamed of a better world, where freedom and democracy are not a rare breed limited to a handful of nations.

Cindy Sheehan is using her son’s death to push her own politically biased views, to drive home while cursing her son’s name… What kind of mother would do such a thing, Mrs. Sheehan? Would my mother attack me after I died, or attack the right to freedom that I died trying to preserve for a new generation of Iraqi citizens? No, she wouldn’t, because my mother would know that I died doing what she believed was best for our world, and she would have been proud of the stance I took.

The war on terror is not and never will be about a single nation; It is a war against evil men, evil women, and evil thoughts that would rule the entire world with hate if given the chance. These people we are fighting against would kill most of us without a moment’s hesitation, and yet even our nation’s so-called leaders are fighting to protect their hatred of freedom, Jews, or any individual who is not of the extreme islamic faith. There really is something wrong with this image, especially when our appointed leadership begins to favor terrorists instead of favoring the war on terror. The war on terror should never be about political bias, yet it has become that, and not just in the hands of politicians, but also in the hands, minds, and lives of everyday citizens. Americans who have apparently forgotten what it felt like to realize we were under attack. It was not New York or Washington DC that was under vicious attack, but each and every one of us and our liberties that were under siege from wicked and mentally unstable men.

What makes matters worse are those Americans who see the whole ordeal of 9/11 as nothing more than a huge conspiracy, claiming that President Bush ordered the attacks and claiming that no planes were used, that the United States military used missiles to attack ours. nation. When he confronted the missing people aboard those planes, the quick response was for the government to hold them in a secret holding area, where they will never be released. As much as I am dedicated to uncovering the truth in events, places, and even though it has been shown that the government did in fact hide some evidence of the Eveleth attacks in September… it was nothing all that sinister. I will admit that being involved with Unexplained Mysteries even on that date made me more aware of what might be going on and that’s right; At one point I believed that President Bush did in fact create Terror in the United States of America. That sentiment lasted for several months, and while I’m still not sure George W. Bush didn’t order the initial attack on our own nation to boost his presidency, I don’t and have never believed the garbage spewed lies that the wing nut (Radical ) conspiracy jet.

In my opinion, these radicals are no better than the terrorists who attacked us on September 11, 2001. The pain of people like Alex Jones, and those who believe their bile pronounced beliefs, is causing families who suffered great loss the September 11, 2001, an even greater pain, when they should be in the greatest healing process possible.

There is a time and a place for conspiracies when specific facts are represented or when there is knowledge of a particular fact whose existence the government denies. To be taken seriously, one must weigh the facts, know oneself, and create an atmosphere in which one can be taken as seriously as possible and not come across as a publicity-seeking whore or mentally incompetent individual. The search area for unexplained mysteries and alternative discussions is not unlike that of the everyday media, in the sense that we should never create news, rather it is our solemn duty to provide only real cases, events. Some in this field believe that there are not enough real unexplained mysteries in the world, so they decide to create a stir by deciding that something happened and presenting it as fact, not as their opinion, but as fact.

No matter which side of the fence you’re on, I want you to remember the thousands who were coldly brutally murdered as they lived their lives, worked, or even went somewhere else on one of the doomed planes. Before you complain about the war on terror, remember 9/11 and keep the images of that fateful day in your mind and in your heart. To quote a song, where were you when the world stopped turning that day in September?

Must we know tragedy once more? Must thousands more die on American soil before our nation is united once more? If another 9/11 or worse is what it takes to unite Americans and make our nation proud, if our patriotic symbolism is based not on the idealism of freedom but on the idealism of terrorist attacks on our nation… then may God help us all, for we will all perish due to childish bickering between the so-called leaders of the United States of America who will never agree to anything until it is too late… Who will be responsible for the death of possibly Millions of innocent lives?

The answer is simple; each and every one of us will have the blood of the next victims of the terrorist attack on our hands. We decide how our leaders act, how they vote. If you’re sick and tired of kids bringing the nation to the ground, get up and do something to let them know. Otherwise, don’t grieve for the lives of the millions who may die next week, next month, next year, or even two years from now because of disputes between leaders who don’t understand the concept of leadership…in their place, cry for yourself. and your loved ones may also meet that horrible fate if that day comes.

Before any of you rush out and spout your useless rhetoric, I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I don’t think American society should ever be based on one’s own self-serving political motivations, but on what is right versus wrong. It’s that simple, life is that simple: right versus wrong. Common sense is all it takes, and yet it seems that many leaders on both party lines lack common sense.

I’m going to end this with a simple statement:

United we stand proud and divided we will finally fall.

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