All the Disney princesses equals quite a few Disney movies. There’s Jasmine from Aladdin, Cinderella from the Well, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty from the movie of the same name, Snow White from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, and even Ariel from The Little Mermaid. The group was recently joined by Princess Fiona from Shrek. So there are plenty of princesses for your guests to come dressed up for.

The menu of a Disney Princess party should be elegant, refined and good, only made for children! Bubbly Jell-o is on the menu for this party. Jell-o makes a special mix of Jell-O for champagne, but to make this item kid-friendly, you can simply opt for club soda or flavored sparkling water when it says to add the champagne. Also on the party menu are mini quiches and Be-deviled Eggs. Round out plates of food with fun and delicious taquitos topped with a cheesy quesadilla sauce.

Deviled eggs are a delicious and hearty treat for a Disney Princess party or even a Labor Day family picnic. You will need to; four boiled eggs, mustard, mayonnaise, onion, pickle, salt, pepper and chili power or hot sauce. Cut the boiled eggs and remove the yellow yolks. Pour a small amount of mustard and a small amount of mayonnaise into a container with the yolks. It’s best to exercise caution and use fewer liquid ingredients to start with, because you can always add more later. However, few people enjoy a runny deviled egg. Mush together into a smooth paste. Add chopped onions, chopped gherkins, and about a half teaspoon each of salt and pepper, and a dash of chili powder or hot sauce. Mix until smooth and pour back into the boiled egg white halves. Serve at room temperature for a delicious Disney Princess treat. Have a great party and have plenty of paper plates on hand!

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