The decoration of the walls of the bedrooms is an artistic concept for which you must understand the concepts of diffuse coloration, secularity, brightness and the effects that the different colors cause in the environment in relation to the space. Different textures give a different feel to material surfaces, and choosing a good texture could make the difference between a nuanced, shaded look and a dingy, unruly look. In addition to this, we must touch on one last concept that is lighting. All of these concepts are briefly explained and will give the reader an idea of ​​which materials, colors and textures to choose.

When choosing a color pattern for wall decoration, the contrasting color pattern should be taken into account along with ambient lighting. Generally, a widely accepted color plan is a light-colored background, such as an off-white or ash gray, that contrasts with darker colors. Those colors can be dark brown or matte black. Now that we have a contrasting combination like this, it would be relevant to put the dark colors in small packages like decor or paint shelves that have a muted look and have matte black frames. Ambient lighting can be achieved by attaching small halogen bulbs to the back of paint or decor pieces housed in your cabinet sections. The textures chosen for this should be the following. The wall must be painted with a very smooth finishing emulsion, here wallpapers must be avoided and the decoration pieces with their shelves must be opaque and matt. They should not be shiny and shiny. Basically, your security level needs to be kept in check.

The idea of ​​​​the decoration of the bedroom is a very interesting topic and certainly not limited. This is only limited to one’s imagination and you can achieve great combinations that can affect the environment in a whole new way. The plan for decorating a wall described above is only one and probably the most common. Other ideas can definitely change the entire appearance of a room in a whole new perspective.

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