Understanding Your ACS Student Loan

An ACS student loan is one that is managed by Affiliated Computer Services, Inc., a company known for outsourcing technology and business solutions. Many colleges use the ACS student loan because of the company’s reputation for using technology to smooth out some of the more difficult aspects of loan service. With an ACS student loan, students can make payments online, […]

Cole Porter Song "True love"

“True Love” was written by Cole Porter and played by Bing Crosby and Grace Kelly in the 1955 film, “High Society,” which also starred Frank Sinatra and Louis Armstrong. “True Love” was the first and only gold record for Grace Kelly and it was the twenty-first gold record for Bing Crosby. The song stayed on the charts for 22 weeks, […]

Hooray for the Federal Rules of Evidence!

The Federal Rules of Evidence used in the federal courts of the United States and adopted by many states and the military are the codification of many years of common law rules of evidence. The development of modern rules of evidence has been a process of nothing more than putting old wine into new bottles. If one can understand common […]