Go Green with a Clarius Water Conditioner

Purified drinking water is like the nectar of the gods. Delicious and odorless, purified drinking water makes it easy to consume the recommended six to eight glasses of water your body needs each day to thrive and maintain optimal health. Unfortunately, some water purification systems can do a good job of purifying the water you drink, but they may be […]

Inside the Oscars – The aura of nominee Leonardo Dicaprio

All of the Academy Award Best Actor nominees have delivered outstanding performances…on the surface. They said their lines believably, they developed an interesting character, they got the voice, the way of walking, the appearance. Perhaps most extraordinary is that these magnificent actors received the direction objectively enough to enhance the portrayal of a character, rather than destroy it. No wonder […]

Sarcoidosis: The Best Natural Remedies for Sarcoidosis and Other ILDs

Natural Remedies and Treatment of Sarcoidosis: After several years of medical treatment for lymphatic sarcoidosis, my husband and I found 3 natural sarcoidosis remedies that have kept him in remission for two years. The main factors to consider with sarcoidosis and many other autoimmune diseases are the imbalance and inflammation of the immune system. Oxidative stress was found to be […]

The true purpose of preschool education

There are numerous benefits associated with early childhood education, so much so that most parents believe it should be vital and not just an option. Advantageous abilities that children acquire and those that can be improved in the present are two attributes that help shape preschool education, as well as offering a positive influence on a young child. This article […]

How to lower bad cholesterol

Lowering your cholesterol level doesn’t have to be something that only drugs can do. Not all cholesterol is bad. You have two types in your blood; one is considered good and the other is considered bad. The two types are known as low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL). It is the LDL levels that you should be most concerned […]