Using images to sell puppies

Are you trying to sell some puppies to a good home? Whether you breed dogs or your beloved pet has managed to break free of her pen and become pregnant, selling puppies can sometimes be a difficult task. After all, there are plenty of puppies out there looking for a good home, so finding someone who is willing to buy […]

Cocker Spaniel Agility Training for Beginners

Being the owner of a Cocker Spaniel, you may have been considering joining an agility training class. If so, you are in for a real treat. Dogs love agility training classes because it gives them a new environment and obstacles to experience. They are introduced to ramps, poles, jumps, and colorful things that challenge their thinking and athletic ability. Requirements […]

Understanding and controlling the prey drive

Prey drive is the “buzzword” among dog lovers these days. Its textbook definition states that it is the instinctive behavior of carnivores to chase and capture prey, but it is commonly used to describe habits in dog training. Prey drive is what motivates a dog to chase a ball, animals, a car, or a fleeing child, so it’s important to […]

How do I get rid of dog smell from my mattress?

Is your mattress starting to smell like a wet dog? This is nothing new in the mattress cleaning business. Many people sleep with their pet dogs. Since dog hair can easily collect dirt, sweat, and grime, your dog can transfer all of that onto your mattress and it will start to stink. The first thing to consider is getting your […]

A Pavlovian Approach to Dog Training

All animals, including humans, can be trained to respond in a particular way to a particular stimulus. Consider your reaction to a police siren, a bell, a stop sign. When you experience these stimuli you react in different ways but always in the way you were trained to behave to each stimulus. The siren is a signal to stop or […]

Advanced dog training exercises

Coming when called is a vital skill that every dog ​​must learn, both for his own safety and that of those around him. A disobedient dog who refuses to come when called could easily get hit by a car, get into a fight with another dog, or suffer a variety of other bad experiences. A well-trained dog that comes when […]

Looking for a pet: consider a rabbit

They can be cute and cuddly. They can be as playful as a puppy or kitten, but they are also curious and mischievous and love to chew. If your kids leave clothes on the floor, if you have tassels and strings hanging from curtains or furniture, you’ll soon learn that chewing is one of your new pet’s favorite pastimes. If […]