Giving – Your four gifts

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” Winston Churchill wrote these words to express the idea that, to some extent, giving defines who we are as individuals. Let me share with you four of my ideas on how you could make this month even better. To create a better and more […]

Thanksgiving Cards Beat the Christmas Card Fever

Many are beating the rush of holiday cards and traditional holiday cards by sending Thanksgiving cards instead. Gaining popularity, Thanksgiving cards are unexpected greetings perfect for business or personal use. Here are 5 reasons you may want to consider sending Thanksgiving cards this year. 1) Unexpected. Many expect to receive Christmas cards or traditional seasonal greetings in December, but Thanksgiving […]

Secrets from the Commercial Dump Truck Financing Experts!

Commercial dump trucks are an indispensable piece of heavy equipment for commercial and government applications. Without a doubt, it is the superior heavy equipment option for the transport and transfer of loose material and other tools such as sand, gravel, earth, etc. Many industries rely heavily on these commercial dump truck mammoths to move heavy stuff. However, acquiring such important […]

The 9 Mistakes That (Almost) All Christian Singles Make, And What To Do About It

The great lie. People say it in different ways. It usually begins: “As long as you honor God with your possessions…” And then they end it with… “…God will reward you with a wonderful husband.” “…you can claim your marriage partner.” “…and have a marriage made in heaven.” Etc. Well, part of that is true. Some people seem to have […]

Ayurvedic point of view: problems and functioning of the liver, spleen and gallbladder

LIVER: Known as “Yakrut” in Ayurveda, the Liver is the largest and one of the most important internal organs, functioning as the body’s chemical factory, regulating the levels of most major chemicals in the blood. It absorbs oxygen and nutrients from the blood and regulates the levels of glucose and amino acids in the blood. It helps break down drugs […]