Is it human transcendence?

Do myths in religious culture reflect a truly human side of transcendence? love and light as real Love wants to love someone and wants to be with them. Share, give, and drive. I offer the idea that love and light they are two sides of the same corner. My reason is, without wisdom, love is ineffective and without love, wisdom […]

Iron-rich liver recipes

Liver is a powerful iron-rich food but many people don’t know how to prepare it well. Here are some quick and easy liver ideas for someone struggling with an iron deficiency. liver and bacon: Use one pound of beef liver, sliced, without the membrane. Place the liver in a saucepan and top each piece of liver with one or two […]

Jacksonville Jaguars ready for third attempt at AFC championship

The Jacksonville Jaguars call ALLTEL Stadium in Jacksonville, Florida their home and every time the players run onto the field in their teal, black and gold uniforms, the fans go wild. Florida fans are enthusiastic about their team and enthusiastically support it, regardless of how many wins or losses are in the record books. Although Jacksonville was first declared incapable […]

The cost of building a house in Cyprus

Building a house today is a decision that involves high costs, problems related to financing and construction, delivery delays and quality problems, titles, delays in building permits, etc. Building a house is an investment decision that must be carefully studied, since most families build a house once in their life and the final decision in most cases can be irreversible. […]