Best Android Tablets: Tips for Buying a Quality Slate PC

When shopping for Android tablets, considering factors such as screen size, operating system, internal memory, connectivity, and battery life will help you choose a quality WiFi or 3G tablet. We look at these factors and the 3 best Android tablets. screen size 7-inch and 10-inch whiteboards are the most common. Examples of 7-inch Android tablets include the Kindle Fire Color, […]

What is 4DTV?

There is a huge misperception circulating among the consumer population these days about 4D TVs. With the advent of 3D televisions and the boost of technology that has given these televisions the ability to broadcast productions of 3D movies and television shows in the individual’s home, the term 4D TV has gained traction. There is a bit of a problem […]

Wireless audio and video transmitter

TV streamer is a device used to transfer video to TV with a player that moves the player to the TV. For example, you want to play songs or videos on your TV, and your component is connected to your car or vehicle. You can simply use a TV streamer on your component and plug it into the streamer while […]

Reverse Phone Number Lookup: Is It Confidential?

If you are considering doing a reverse phone number lookup, you may be concerned about your search and whether or not it will be confidential. Digging into someone else’s information can seem pretty strange. It would be even more embarrassing if they ever found out! This article will explain how reverse phone lookup works and how confidential your search is. […]

Corporation Inc Walkthrough

Simulation games have been around for quite some time, you may be familiar with console games like the Sims. The Sims started out very popular, the idea was that you play as people, find jobs, learn new skills, meet people and try to live life. Something big has just hit the online gaming industry and it’s Corporation Inc. Corporation Incorporated […]

What is the difference of BPM and BPO?

Yes, they were different! The global market sees how Business Process Outsourcing generated millionaire income. In the Philippines alone, IT-BPO revenue increased 17% to $15.5 billion in 2014. On the other hand, Business Process Management, Global Market Research analysts said the global BPM market will reach $5.3 billion for 2017. Those are just a few of the positive effects of […]