Jet Lag Bath Remedy

Don’t lose any of your precious vacation or business time due to the disorienting effects of long-distance travel or jet lag. This remedy is the simplest and most natural bath cure for jet lag that I have come across. It was developed by a doctor from the South Sea Islands many years ago. Use this simple treatment as soon as […]

Shaolin Kung Fu Secret Fighting Exercises: Pinwheel Arts or Bucket Lifting

The 72 Accomplished and Secret Arts of the Shaolin Temple are a collection of interrelated fighting exercises that fall into several key categories. The example that follows, ‘Pinwheel Arts’, is a tough external power training exercise. Details of training intensity and duration are accompanied by a description of the simple, basic, but highly effective traditional training aids needed to develop […]

Adventure Travel Destinations 2010 – Top Picks

The popularity of adventure tours is one of the major trends in the travel industry that continues to grow. Combining everything from trekking and mountaineering to rafting, zip lining and bungee jumping with unique individual cultures and exotic settings, these destinations have just about everything an adventure traveler could ask for. The following are some of the best places to […]

Seahawk on Fire written by Randall Peffer

A good Civil War naval story in which northern ships try to track down Confederate ships, both trying to destroy the other and all ships they find during the search. Locations stretch from the United States coast, inland waters, South America, Africa, Europe, and points in between. You must remember that in those days there was no way to search […]

Adam and Eve – The greatest fairy tale of all

Why does the story of Adam and Eve still resonate in our cultural consciousness, given that anyone with a smattering of science can demolish the idea that life began the way Genesis describes? Evolution can be seen occurring in the fruit fly in school lab dishes. GPs refuse to prescribe antibiotics because over-prescribing means bacteria will evolve to become resistant. […]

Shaolin Feet and Shaolin Fists

Northern Feet and Southern Fists are considered a fortuitous combination. It is necessary to reconcile two aspects of Kung Fu teaching, which incorporate different principles, points of view and histories. The following autobiographical sketch considers the formative influences and key people who shaped my own career in Shaolin martial arts. Lineage and Lineal Descent You really should know where you […]