The green arowana is one of the cheapest types of arowana on the market. They will still cost you a few hundred dollars, but compared to the prices that have been charged for other arowana breeds like the golden arowana or super red arowana, the price is cheap by comparison. Some of the different types of gold and red arowana cost in the thousands of dollar price range.

The green ring is commonly found in the waters of Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Myanmar. It grows between 3-4 feet long. This fish is more common in Southeast Asia and therefore does not reach a very high price in the markets. Another factor for the cheaper price could also be that the Chinese do not like the color green. They associate the color green with losing money, so the green arowana is not as collectible in Asia. This fish has a small circular head and its body is long and wide. It has silvery gills on the sides of its head.

Although this arowana is more commonly found than some of the other breeds, it is still on the CITES endangered species list. Fortunately for the green arowana, it tends to breed quite easily, so with newer breeding farms being established in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia, this breed of fish is making a comeback. One of the reasons it breeds so easily is because of its laid-back temperament. The Green Arowana isn’t as aggressive as some of the other types, like the Dangerous Arowana or the Cross Arowana, so you don’t have to worry about them attacking each other in spawn tanks.

Many of the arowana collectors and enthusiasts around the world would start with the green arowana as it is not that expensive if something goes wrong. They are generally laid back and easy to care for. As a young fish, the green hoop may feed on pellets, small worms, and shrimp. When it has grown, the arowana can be introduced to live baits in the form of small fish and frogs.

As with all Asian arowanas, the Chinese believe that the green arowana protects its owner. They are seen as a lucky fish to have as a pet. If you plan on jumping up the arowana ladder and keeping one of these large fish as a pet, perhaps you could consider starting with the green arowana so you can get in easily.

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