When you look at a bunch of clutter, what thoughts do you have? From this point on in this article, before answering that question, I’d like you to imagine yourself doing a task that you really enjoy doing. Happily look at yourself in that picture. Realize that you feel calm, relaxed and happy doing what you like the most.

A technique to not feel embarrassed by the mess

Now, while you are feeling very happy flying that kite or reading a book or just dancing to your favorite music or whatever, also notice what you are thinking. You’re thinking something like “Wow! This is FUN to do!” The main thing you are thinking is that you LIKE what you are doing.

Now look at a bunch of clutter. Then say something nice about yourself. Ignore any thoughts or feelings of shame. You could say something like this:

“I notice a lot of clutter. And the good thing about me is………..”

There, you impersonally described a lot of things. And you said something nice about yourself. Step by step, say something respectful and kind about yourself AND something impersonal about the mess. I ask you to clear your mind of thoughts of shame when you see clutter. Will you be willing to do that? If so, be kind to yourself.

Practice the Technique

All right, here we go. Practice impersonally reporting any mess you see AND saying something nice about yourself. You could say something like this: “I see a lot of clutter. And I like who I am.”

How do you feel inside when you choose to impersonally express what you see AND say something nice about yourself? Okay?

How does it work

Every human being thinks his own thoughts. In fact, we freely think whatever thoughts we think. Whatever you are feeling right now, it is because you are thinking a specific thought first. After thinking thoughts, we FEEL some effect on our physical bodies. So will you choose to think kindly about yourself? If so, you may feel better inside.

There is really no benefit to you if you tell yourself that you are ashamed to work in a messy situation. Look at your past habit of picking up clutter. Now, think of some progress you have enjoyed in a quiet moment. When a person INTENTIONALLY chooses to see PROGRESS, that person is more inclined to order again.

Keep encouraging yourself to clear yourself. If you found this exercise difficult to do, you might consider getting help releasing emotional blocks from a therapist or hypnotherapist who specializes in clutter and hoarding.

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