All pet owners experience the joy and company of their dogs and cats, from the moment they are born or brought home to the moment they take their last breath. When pets are young, owners focus on feeding and training them properly. But in the later years of life, pets can develop certain medical conditions that cause them pain, lethargy, or discomfort. And no pet lover wants to see their dog or cat suffer.

In the past, there wasn’t much veterinarians could do about aging animal diseases. Today, there are many medications available that not only treat the conditions themselves, but also improve the quality of life for cats and dogs.

Here are some common pet preventative medications for elderly dogs and cats.


Problem: arthritis

Medicine: Deramaxx chewable tablets

Canine arthritis can substantially decrease your pet’s level of physical activity. But Deramaxx can decrease or eliminate arthritic pain in dogs by reducing the inflammation associated with this condition. This medication is classified as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent.

Problem: potassium deficiency

Medication: RenaKare

Older dogs can sometimes suffer from a lack of potassium, which is essential for the optimal function of your pet’s nerves, muscles, and enzymes. This potassium shortage is often due to chronic diarrhea. RenaKare, which comes as a gel, powder, or tablet, can supplement your dog’s potassium intake.

Problem: constipation

Drug: Hepatikin Powder

Hepatikin is a disaccharide sugar molecule that works to increase the amount of fluid present in your dog’s colon. This, in turn, will soften your pet’s stool and help relieve constipation. The powder can be administered orally or mixed with your dog’s food.

Problem: congestive heart failure

Medicine: Vetmedin chewable tablets

As dogs age, their organs sometimes begin to deteriorate and function inefficiently. When this happens to your pet’s heart, it can result in congestive heart failure. Vetmedin is designed to strengthen canine heart muscle contractions, as well as to dilate blood vessels.

Problem: seizures

Medication: levetiracetam tablets

Idiopathic epilepsy, the most common type of canine seizure, can be caused by other health conditions such as brain tumors, kidney failure, or liver disease. Although it works to control these seizures, levetiracetam can also be given in conjunction with other medications designed to treat the underlying medical condition.

Problem: Cushing’s disease

Medicine: Lysodren tablets

Cushing’s disease is caused by the overproduction of hormones by your dog’s adrenal cortex. This condition is often the result of a tumor in your pet’s pituitary or adrenal gland or an overuse of steroid medications for other purposes. Lysodren works to reduce the creation of these cortisone-like hormones.


Problem: diabetes

Drug: Humulin N Insulin

If your vet recommends insulin injections for your diabetic cat, this product will meet his needs. You will also need syringes to administer each dose under your pet’s skin. Humulin N will help keep your cat’s blood sugar levels high if she is unable to produce enough insulin on her own.

Problem: hyperthyroidism

Medication: Methimazole Tablets

An overactive thyroid gland can lead to weight loss, appetite problems, and heart problems. Methimazole works to reduce the amount of hormones produced by your cat’s thyroid gland. This medication can often control hyperthyroidism so your cat does not have to undergo surgery or radioactive iodine treatments.

Problem: asthma

Medication: Theophylline Extended Release Tablets

This medicine works as a bronchodilator to help open the airways in the lungs of cats with asthma. It can also help clear mucus in the respiratory tract and strengthen diaphragm contractions. Theophylline should be administered to your cat on an empty stomach.

Problem: heart disease

Drug: Atenolol

Atenolol fights feline heart disease by lowering your pet’s blood pressure. More specifically, the drug acts as a beta-blocker to help slow down the heart and improve its efficiency. In addition to the tablet form, Atenolol is available as a gel for convenience for cat owners.

Problem: chronic pain

Drug: gabapentin

Older cats can suffer from chronic pain for many different reasons, such as arthritis, seizures, or postoperative recovery. But when used as directed, gabapentin can help improve the quality of your pet’s daily life. The medicine comes in capsule or tablet form.

Problem: chronic constipation

Drug: Kristalose

Unfortunately, cats are susceptible to various types of gastrointestinal upset. If your pet has a recurring constipation disorder, Kristalose can increase the number of bowel movements he may have. The medicine comes in powder form and must be mixed with water.

As with humans, the last years of life can bring afflictions and illness for your dog or cat. Sometimes pet owners are forced to decide whether or not to take extraordinary measures to save furry members of their family. But often, these conditions can be controlled simply by regularly administering a certain type of pet medication. With these medications, cats and dogs can often live longer and happier lives.

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