Ok, let me tell you what I mean.

As some of you know have been around my ‘stuff’ for a while, I was missing for 6-7 years before

I started to find my way.
I had a lot of good ideas that I never followed through on.

My clothes were poor.
I was scattered REALLY scattered.

And my own parents, who love me very much, weren’t sure how bright my future would be when I was 27 and not going anyway (almost 5 years ago).

There is a PRINCIPLE that helped me change everything and a story I want to share: the story of someone who just used this principle incredibly well.
I used to wait for everything to be perfect before starting.

What happened is that I never started or finished anything.

Here is the principle that changed everything.

***You don’t have to do it right, you just have to get it going.

Let me say it again.

***You don’t have to do it right, you just have to get it going.

I started to get things going. I started learning what works, what doesn’t. Personally, I was growing faster than ever. And then the money started pouring in.

And then I discovered that ALL great success stories start this way.

It is a law of success.

Check out this story:

A friend of mine wanted to move forward in the business direction he was headed in and recently asked me for help.

We took some time, talked, and I made a plan that he could follow if he wanted.

This would have been a big change for him and a big financial risk if he had gone in this direction.
40 days go by and I get a phone call: “Mike, we made $20,000 this month. I’m not really sure what I’m doing, but I’m moving forward and taking action.”

Now 90 days have passed and we spoke last night. She made over $35,000 in her third month.

Let me say here that these are not “normal” results soon. But if I only made $200-$2,000+ THAT would have been amazing too.

She told me last night, “Mike, I feel like I’m in a dark room, looking for the light switch.”

What he was really saying was, “I didn’t wait until I got it right, I JUST got it going!”
And that’s what all of America needs to do more of.

Take off your tail and TAKE the next step.

Earn an extra $100 this month, $1,000, $10,000; for me the number doesn’t matter as much as the progress FORWARD. The momentum in your life is what counts because it will bring you satisfaction and results.

I have seen it over and over again in my life.

If you just get going, learn from your actions, listen to the people ‘in front’ of you, you can accomplish more in the next 90 days than you have in all of 2004.

ask yourself:

What action step have I been putting off because I’ve been waiting for it to be perfect so I can start today?
and go.
Have to.

YOU can make 2005 your most extraordinary year.

I believe in you.

Take the next step today. Have faith in yourself. You can do it.

I know you can.

Talk to you soon.

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