We’ve all heard of detox plans. Many of you may have tried one in the past, hoping it will help you achieve your health and fitness goals. The main goal of the detoxification approach is to detoxify your body of the toxic waste we encounter on a daily basis, which should allow your body to function better and more efficiently.

In most cases, a detox approach strictly revolves around food. You eat a particular type of food, and that gives you the detox benefits you want to see.

But what about other types of detox plans? As it turns out, one detox plan you might consider using is a tech detox. With so many of us being so connected every day, this can do us a lot of good. So what’s behind a tech detox? Here are the main points…

What is a tech detox?. A tech detox is, as the name suggests, a break from all things tech. If you’re like most people, you’re well aware that you spend a lot of time on your smartphone. However, perhaps you are hooked on television.

In any case, a tech detox is an opportunity…

  • to stop watching TV

  • stop looking at your smartphone, and

  • even stop using the computer apart from the essential things you need to do for your career.

A tech detox allows you to take a step back and live life as it was before all these “toys” came along.

Benefits of a Tech Detox. So what are the benefits you will receive from doing this?

  • First, you will find that you are less stressed. You’d be surprised how much stress you get from being so “busy” with your technology. When you don’t have it to distract yourself, you have more time to sit and think, and figure out whatever might be bothering you.

  • A second significant benefit is time. Without your smartphone or TV to distract you, what will you do with all your free time? You may find that you now have hours in the day that you can devote to other, more productive things.

  • Finally, you may also notice weight loss! That’s right. Without TV and your smartphone to occupy your time, you can become more active. This could also lead to better health. Not to mention, most people will find that they experience fewer headaches.

How to start today. To get started, decide on two days this week that you will go offline. Remember that you can use a computer for work-related tasks, but for nothing else. You want to go ahead with this to reap all the benefits.

  • try it for only two days.

  • then the following week, aim for three days.

  • take a few weeks off, then aim for four days.

Eventually, you can design for a full week away from all technology once a month. See what a difference this makes in your life!

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