When visitors visit your website, they want to know if you understand their problems and if you can help them.

I have found that many businesses fail when it comes to connecting with potential customers. They write about your products and services, but forget that it’s really about the customer and what they need when they visit a website.

That’s why it’s important to use the avatar of your ideal customer to create a “who we help” page on your website. It helps your website visitors identify themselves if they are your ideal customer.

Once you connect with someone on that deeper level, it’s easy for them to jump in and hire you.

So how do you go about creating an ideal customer avatar for your who we help page? There are 4 basic parts to this: who they are, what their problems usually are, what they need right now, and what they need to do.

Grab a sheet of paper and let’s get started.

Part 1: Your Identity

Sit down and imagine your ideal client. The key to doing this effectively is to break down a perfect customer and dig deeper:

• Who is your favorite ideal client of all time?

• Who got tremendous value from working with you and are incredibly grateful for it?

• Who is more than happy to pay you?

• Who usually refers you to other people?

• Who gives you a lot of joy when you work with them?

This is the type of ideal “A-list” customer that you want to attract more to your business.

It’s often helpful to give them a full avatar identity, a fictional profile that embodies the personality of your ideal customer. Write a short paragraph describing everything about this person. You want potential customers to read this and say, “wow, that’s me!”

Detail details such as:

– Full name

– Age


– His passion

– Your current status, whether in personal or professional life.

– Profession

– Income level

– Interests and passions.

Example: I love working with clients like Jenna Anderson. She is 54 years old and owns a small fashion boutique. Her passion is helping women find clothes that celebrate their sense of style and help them feel timeless.

Her boutique is successful and she is working to open a new clothing line this fall to expand her offerings.

Part 2: Your Problems

Write a short paragraph describing the worries and problems that keep them up at night. Ask yourself what needs are not being met for them. Write a sentence that specifically shows how they feel about it.

Example: Her problems tend to be that she is so busy with the daily needs of her business that she doesn’t have time to focus on creating the designs for her new line. She needs to hire new employees to help her, but she has trouble finding women who fit.

Running the store and doing the book work keeps her so busy that she doesn’t have time to work on the next steps of her business. You need help hiring new help, delegating, and creating a game plan.

Part 3: Your pressing needs

Give specific examples of what “the solution” would look like. Say how you would feel if you had that kind of relief in your life.

Example: What she needs most right now is someone to help her write effective job descriptions so she can hire a stronger sales team for the store. You also need to see what’s on your plate and how you can get your team members to take some of it off your shoulders.

She needs someone who is a coach and an animator to push her to create her designs and put them into production. It would be exciting to finally see her visions come to life. She would love to have some enterprising employees who are as passionate as she is about empowering women with clothing that makes them feel confident and strong.

Part 4: Your Next Step

Now that we have your attention and have generated interest and desire, it’s time for you to act. Tell them how they can start working with you.

Think about what your next step should be. Is it a discovery call or an initial consultation? What program offering would help them? Is there a product that shows them how to fix it themselves? Or do you offer a done-for-you service to address this issue for them?

Example: You are invited to have a free preview session where we can see where your business is, what challenges you are facing, what opportunities you have, and how we can help you bridge the gap to achieve your desired goals. Click here to schedule your free preview session now.

Defining your avatar helps you personalize your marketing

Now that you know who your ideal customer is, what they need, and how you can help them, you can create a “Who We Help” web page that speaks directly to them. You could also add some of your most powerful testimonials to further reinforce how you can help your ideal client.

The added benefit of defining your ideal customer avatar is that it helps you write in a very nice way in your marketing. This enhances and increases the “Know, Like and Trust” factor that you want to achieve with your followers.

It completely transforms the impact of your writing when you make it personal and connective. In my own marketing, I write a newsletter or email directly to my ideal customer. I often have our email subscribers respond personally as if I had written to them directly.

If you need help identifying your ideal client, consider one of my mentoring packages to help you with not only that, but also your marketing and social media strategy to attract those ideal clients to your business.

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