TMJ Training Incorporate Hands-On Experience

Whether you are a Massage Therapist, Physiotherapist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Chiropractor, Nurse, Osteopath, or another health professional, if you see patients who suffer from TMD (Turning your head or chewing can lead to pain) you can help them relieve their symptoms and improve their quality of life. This course will give you the tools to make a difference with your clients and change their lives.

TMD can cause jaw muscle stiffness, painful clicking, teeth grinding, headaches and migraines, crooked smile, dental misalignment and a host of other problems that can take a toll on a person’s everyday function and quality of life. Addressing TMD with the techniques our dentist, Dr Dolgos teaches can alleviate symptoms and improve oral function.

Our 2-Day (16 hour) didactic and hands-on live patient training course teaches you how to successfully treat orofacial pain, headaches/migraines, TMD syndrome, and TM joint pain with non-surgical, reversible, and minimally invasive treatments that are highly effective. You will learn proper evaluation, treatment planning, dosing, documentation and injection techniques that you can integrate into your practice immediately.

An intense dive into the mechanics of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), as well as how it relates to TMD and occlusion. Detailed instruction on kinesiology of the TMJ, a powerful new tool that allows you to objectively track and assess pre-operative TMJ/TMD pathology. Also included is a session on advanced digital jaw tracking and mastication analysis, which further empowers you to track and assess occlusion as well as identify confounding TMD/TMD pathology that may be present.

How Does TMJ Training Incorporate Hands-On Experience?

Lastly, you will receive an introduction to thermal imaging and genetic mapping; two more powerful diagnostic tools to add to your TMD toolbox. This is a must-attend training for anyone treating TMD or wanting to enhance their skillset.

The only way to truly understand and master the techniques of TMJ therapy is to get hands on. We offer a unique learning experience, where participants work directly with their peers in a state-of-the-art bioskills laboratory. You will learn how to perform therapeutic techniques on a variety of simulated models, and through interactive sessions, gain an understanding of the anatomy of the TM joint, normal TMJ biomechanics, as well as abnormal mechanics and pathophysiological mechanisms that require a more comprehensive approach.

You will leave with a comprehensive understanding of how to use the TMJ model in your practice to perform a range of therapeutic massage and mobilization techniques. In addition, you will learn how to incorporate intraoral massage into your client’s overall treatment plan to provide a more holistic approach to TMD management and alleviate pain, reduce stress, facilitate restful sleep, and promote a better quality of life.

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) training involves a multifaceted approach that integrates both theoretical knowledge and practical hands-on experience to effectively address the complexities of diagnosing and treating TMJ disorders. Hands-on experience plays a crucial role in tmj training as it allows practitioners to develop the necessary skills and confidence to assess, diagnose, and treat patients with TMJ-related issues.

First and foremost, hands-on experience in TMJ training often begins with comprehensive anatomical studies. Understanding the intricate structures and functions of the temporomandibular joint, along with the surrounding musculature and nerves, is fundamental for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. Hands-on anatomical studies may involve cadaver dissection, anatomical models, or virtual simulations to provide learners with a tangible understanding of TMJ anatomy.

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