Have you heard the news?

Gene Simmons is buying a comic book company.

First, some background, if you don’t know who Gene Simmons is.

This high-profile guy became very popular (and still is for some)
as one of the founding fathers of the painted faces rock band, Kiss.

Those ghouly boys knew exactly what they were doing.
Back in the 70s. They weren’t just any rock band. Their shows
They were entertaining like heck from start to finish. And Gene was the leader of the ring.
Shoot fire from the mouth and so on. And I’m not even a fan of Kiss.
I’m more of a fan of this marketing genius than anything else.

And that brings us to the present: he’s buying a comic book company.

When the TV reporter asked, “why?”

Gene said,
“Comics … (PAUSE) … are really like MARKETING NEW markets.”

You’re basically creating a comic series that
based purely on the characters of
the rock band. Why would he do that? Well it could be the fact that
comics and graphic novels (that’s a fancy word for comics)
They are the fastest growing segment in the publishing market.

Side note: Stan Lee, the creator of Spider Man, is suing Marvel
for 5 trillion dollars. I’d say the money these days is in creating
Spidy’s next character.

Now if anyone knows sales and marketing, it is one
of the protagonists of the rock band Kiss.

Upon doing some research, I found out that Kiss used
all kinds of comics and cartoons to promote your band.
A comic strip even made an album cover.
And some thirty years later, Gene and Kiss are doing
pretty good for themselves. They have commercialized the band and
made it one of the best known rock bands of all time.
There are action figures
games, books and much more.

These guys were considered real life cartoon characters.
Never reveal your identity. However, their
The cartoons created an even more mysterious atmosphere.
and seductive person for the group. His fans ate it.

Pretty cool, huh?

Now let me share four elements buried in this story that may or may not have
collected that will help you with your marketing.

1) Cartoons are great for marketing your services.

2) Cartoons market their products to a new audience: younger audiences

3) Cartoons are new ways to reinvent your ‘yesterday’ business

4) Cartoons are brand new products that require no effort on your part to produce: T-shirts, mouse pads, coffee mugs, etc.

So there you have it. Now how can you start to think ahead?
Like the genius of marketing, Gene Simmons?

All orders prior to publication of The Art of Selling have been shipped. If you’ve been
waiting for them to be in stock, now is the time to order.

The price will not be as low as during the last month.
Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to read about
all the goodies I’m tossing with this pack.

Do it now. http://www.adtoons.com/products/art_of-selling.html


Vince Palko

PS: Some time ago someone forwarded me a cartoon that he had done.
to Gene Simmons and posted it on his website.
It was an AdToon strip made for Matt Furey called “How Bob Got
the girl “- I dropped a poster of Kiss –
in the background of. Go figure.

You can see that cartoon and MORE
inside the book The Art of Selling Using Cartoons

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