Results of Jaw Slimming Last

As we age, our face shape often changes. This is most commonly seen in the form of a widening of the jawline. This change is due to the build up of bulky chewing muscles in both lower jaw areas. The good news is that these muscles can be slimmed with the use of cosmetic injectable treatments.

In the hands of an experienced injector, jawline slimming can create a more feminine and softer facial appearance with minimal downtime. This is achieved by using neurotoxin injections (like Botox) to temporarily weaken the masseter muscles which leads to a reduction in their size, thereby slimming the jawline and creating a more sculpted aesthetic.

Jaw slimming can also be used in combination with dermal fillers and PDO thread lifts to further enhance the lower face and achieve a more balanced, harmonious appearance. These combined treatments will help combat sagging skin, loss of collagen and reduce bone density changes in the lower face, restoring youthfulness, balance and definition to the overall facial aesthetic.

How Long Do the Results of Jaw Slimming Last?

Dr Jodie is a nationally recognised trainer of injectables and a medical doctor, allowing her to assess the anatomy of your lower face and tailor your treatment approach accordingly. As a result, you will receive a natural looking and subtle enhancement of your jawline.

The jawline slimming procedure takes less than an hour to perform in clinic and has minimal downtime. A topical anaesthetic cream is applied to the area, which numbs the skin prior to the injections being made. Using a thin needle, the anti-wrinkle product is injected directly into the jaw’s masseter muscles to temporarily weaken them. Once the muscles are relaxed, a softening of the jawline occurs which is then maintained for a period of six weeks by regular treatment appointments.

Occasionally, there is some bruising around the lower portion of the face which can be easily camouflaged with makeup. However, this is only temporary and usually resolves within a few days.

It is recommended that you attend a review appointment after eight weeks to ensure your desired results have been sustained. If they haven’t, more injections can be provided on this visit to further enhance your results. If you maintain a maintenance schedule, your results can last up to two years before the muscle relaxant begins to wear off.

The number of jawline slimming appointments required to achieve your desired results varies from client to client. Some people see results in a few days while others need to wait up to five days for the masseter muscles to fully relax. Then the results will begin to fade and you will need to return for regular maintenance appointments. For optimal results, it is recommended that you see a specialist at least every three months for maintenance.

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