Shubunkins are very popular with fish keepers because their appearance adds to the attractiveness of the aquarium. In fact, they are considered as an asset to the aquarium.

Although they are not among the expensive species in the goldfish family, you can earn a lot of money by successfully breeding them. Many people try to focus on breeding koi fish as they are the most salable and expensive variety of fish. However, as your offer increases, the prizes tend to level off. On the other hand, there are fewer people breeding Shubunkins. So the demand remains constant. If you can successfully breed them, you can earn good money. Shubunkins can also be exported to the UK and indeed all of Europe because there is usually a shortage in that region.

The Perfect Method for Breeding Shubunkins

You will need 3 ponds to get good results. If it’s hard to get 3 ponds, you should have at least two. Naturally you will need the male and female Shubunkins and preferably they should be the same size because that will encourage spawning.

You must first provide a large main pond with natural plants, as well as good refuge areas. All your shubunkins should be kept in that pond. You must watch them very carefully as the females will be pregnant. You can find out by looking at his stomach, which will be large at the bottom. These females will also look fatter. They will start laying eggs soon, but you need to get them out before they do. You should switch them to another tank.

In this tank you should introduce male fish of the same size. These fish will fertilize the eggs by releasing a slimy substance onto the eggs. This substance is whitish in color. You need to provide good plants in this tank to make it convenient for the male and female Shubunkins to do their jobs. Females usually prefer to lay eggs at the bottom of a plant, and males prefer to stay in that area during the hatching process.

When you see that the eggs are fertilized, you should remove the male and female Shubunkin from the tank and place them back in the main tank. Now you must wait for the eggs to hatch so that the little babies come out.

During this entire period, the diet of both male and female Shubunkins is important. You must provide a balanced diet, as well as enough sunlight.

If you can manage the third pond, you can switch the babies to that pond. They should be kept there until they grow reasonably large. That will also prevent other fish from attacking them. Successful breeding can take place during April and July.

Once you switch the babies to another pond, you have the second pond empty for more spawning.

If you can’t get three ponds, you’ll need to change the process slightly. In that case, you should allow Shubunkins to lay eggs in the main pond and the fertilization process should take place there as well. You must provide enough planting and shelter in this pond so that male fish do not attempt to eat the eggs. You can also buy breeding strips at pet stores and introduce them into this pond. Fish will tend to breed in these and you can easily take them out and put them in the second pond.

Once the eggs hatch, the babies will hatch into this pond. You can keep them here for a while and once they have grown reasonably, you can move them to the main pond.

Shubunkins breeding is not a very difficult process, but with systematic and timely actions it can be achieved successfully.

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