How important is a good supply of World of Warcraft money in the days leading up to the release of WoW’s second expansion: Wrath of the Lich King?

The newest expansion to the online saga we know as World of Warcraft is drawing near, and the concern of most players seems to be the one reiterated, quite menacingly, by Illidan Stormrage just before the gates of the Far Lands in the Burning Crusade: YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!

So the question really is this: are you ready?

Specifically, are you financially prepared when the passage to Northrend opens and we can all feel the wrath of the lich guy, Arthas?

WoW players who were lucky enough to play the initial beta version of the WOTLK expansion seem unanimous in saying that you need at least 5,000 gold to get through the expansion’s challenges without a hitch. Such amount of World of Warcraft money will be used to buy some fantastic gear that drops in early Northred areas, gear that will put many tier 4 armor and weapons to shame. New upgrades like inscription and enchantment scrolls are also expected to , as well as other crafted items from other professions that will be unlocked with the release of the expansion, are World of Warcraft money drains. Also, respects will cost a lot, especially when you’ll be experimenting to get the right build. Talent training fees will also be quite expensive.

You may even need 14,000 gold if you want the Caravan Mount, a 3-person mount provided by your own vendor stable. Yes, SELLERS!

So the most burning question of the moment seems to be: how can you make a lot of money from World of Warcraft before the expansion hits stores? Here are 5 fantastic tips straight from the best gold farming guides on the market today.

1. Diaries, diaries, diaries! You are allowed 25 daily quests per day. Completing all of them may take a few hours, but you will surely earn more than 300 gold per day, per character. Isle of Quel’Danas, Skettis, the Ogre land in Blade’s Edge Mountains – there are many, many places where you can do daily quests for a chance to earn lost WoW gold on a daily basis.

2. Play the auction house. This is the heart of the conventional gold farming guides available today. Download an add-on called Auctioneer, but hot items sell for cheap, and sell them for huge amounts, and presto: tons of World of Warcraft money in a short amount of time!

3. Stock up on hot ingredients for WOTLK professions. Logging, for example, is a new profession that uses harvested herbs. If you are an herbalist, gather a lot of herbs and sell them for premium prices once Wrath of the Lich King is released.

4. Run newbies and alternates in dungeons. Sure, they’re willing to pay just 10 gold for a Stockades run, but with a level 70 shaman, you can finish the entire instance in 3 minutes (tip: aggro each mob, run back to the entrance, release fire elemental , healing ). Do this 10 times, and it’s a quick 300 gold!

5. Stop selling green and blue. Instead, disenchant them or have an enchanter disenchant them for you. High-tier greens and blues are sure to lose value with the new loot drops in WOTLK. The best way to make a lot of money in World of Warcraft with them is to disenchant them into enchanting ingredients that you can continue to sell for high prices, especially with the higher level cap for professions in the new expansion.

Gold farming guides are sure to teach you even more revolutionary ways to earn World of Warcraft gold. Just make sure that the gold farming guides you’ll be considering are up-to-date versions and not just rehashed repositories of information from the days when Naxxramas was just a rumor perpetrated by warmongering beggars in Stormwind.

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