In this article, I’m going to show you how to last longer in bed for men and how to add an extra 60 minutes right away to your lovemaking session. I know it sounds like a stretch to say that you can last 60 minutes longer just by reading this article. What I am offering here is a change of perspective. It is effective if you have never thought about sex in this way and if you tend to take less than 15 minutes for a full session of sex on average.

So, you wonder. “How can I last longer in bed?” Let me ask you a question. What exactly do you mean by “last longer in bed”?

My guess is this. What you have in mind is a period of time from the moment you insert your penis into your lover and the moment you ejaculate. You want to increase the amount of time you spend inside your lover, and that’s what you mean by “last longer in bed.”

It is possible to increase your sexual stamina in this regard if you train properly. You can learn to last 60 minutes longer. But you do need to commit and I can’t make you last 60 minutes longer with this article alone.

What I can do, however, is ask you to look at the idea of ​​”lasting longer in bed” from a broader perspective. Think of an entire lovemaking session rather than how long you stay inside your lover. So from this perspective, “last longer in bed” is about how much time you spend with your partner in bed.

So, if you want to last 60 more minutes in bed from today on in this regard, you can easily do so by spending more time on foreplay and afterplay.

A great way to spend more time on these activities is to take things slowly. For example, take off her clothes one by one. Kiss her lips. Around his neck. Your collarbones. You can then slowly move towards her breasts. Don’t jump directly on his nipple, but you can slowly move your tongue towards him. Imagine how a snail moves. You can do it this slow.

When you do things slowly, it’s very provocative and sensual. Plus, you’ll be able to spend more time in bed!

But let’s not forget that our mission as a man is to give women the greatest pleasure while having fun. If you take more time and give her a clitoral orgasm or two from oral sex, then the intercourse part of sex can be much more pleasurable for both her and you, no matter how long you last on this part (again, don’t you do). You don’t need to rush while you are inside her too. Take your time!).

To quickly summarize my points, this is what I covered in this article.

– There are two ways of understanding the idea of ​​lasting longer in bed.

– One way is to consider it as the amount of time you stay inside your partner.

– You can also learn to last longer in this sense, but you need some commitment to learn this.

– The other way is to consider it as a complete lovemaking session.

– You can spend more time in bed and endure more from today in this regard.

– A great way is to do things slowly, because it makes them more sensual and pleasurable.

– After all, sex is a whole package of foreplay, intercourse, and afterplay. Be a man who can give his woman the greatest pleasure.

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