The Law of Attraction says that what we focus on, we produce.

A few years ago I hadn’t heard much about this, but I did know that there were people who believed that you could manifest your desires by focusing on them.

A lady I knew had cured herself of cancer by visualizing herself as healthy and cancer-free and following a raw food diet. Then she knew that the mind had miraculous properties.

Well, at that point I had a random thought: “I would love to have $100,000 in cash or liquid assets 3 years from now.” I had a total of $4,000 in my name, I was living in a new country, and I was starting from scratch. And he had also recently changed his profession!

I thought that would be a fun goal to achieve, so let’s go for it.

I wrote this intention down on paper and came up with some ideas on how I could earn and save $. Which included sharing a house with roommates, not drinking, eating fewer lunches away from home, etc. She still went to the movies, she went to dinners, she went out dancing, she pretty much did whatever she wanted.

2 years and a few months later, it was at $60,000. We have very inconsistent income working 8-9 months a year. Most of the people I knew (in and around my income level) were still living paycheck to paycheck even though some of them made more money.

This was mind blowing – I had never saved more than $2000-$4000 in my life, even when I made double that in the past!

So how did this happen and what can you learn from it? This is what I learned.

1st lesson: It’s not what you do, it’s what you save.

2nd lesson: Set an intention and believe it will happen = most likely it will happen.

Lesson 3: Don’t focus on HOW it will happen, IF it will happen: Your job is to ask, stay aligned with your desire, and receive.

Looking back, this is what was KEY to my manifestation! I didn’t worry about the how, what, where and when.

Also, I thought it was fun, not something I needed, so I wasn’t attached.

Yes, of course I could use more money! But he was already happy the way he was and he wasn’t desperate or needy or clingy about it. (As we all know by now, this is probably the most important component to manifesting what we want: having a light, relaxed, fun environment without the above)

If I were to outline the steps to follow, this is something like this:

1) Decide what you want and ask for it: “I want $100,000 in cash in the next two years”

2) Clearly state your time-limited intent in present tense: “I have $100,000 in cash in my bank as of December 31, 2009” – I also wrote down my immediate (next few months), short-term (1-2 years), and goals long term (5 years), but it’s just me, you don’t have to unless you’re inspired.

3) Know your reasons why: Why do you want this $? To travel? To feel safe? To have more time? To buy a house? It’s important to be clear on this as well because when you know why you want something, your desire is clear, strong, and focused. And the Universe likes clear instructions.

4) Get inspired by the action: It may look different for each of you. Just look for a little voice, an indescribable desire to do something, a sign from the Universe, follow your fun and ‘feel good’, trust your intuition –

In my case, this was creating a budget and cutting back on some expenses, thinking of ways to earn $ in my career, and checking out 20 books on money and abundance from the library, all of which made me feel good and kept me on track with money. .

5) Stay focused on your intention – You can read it every day, create a vision board, or just put it away after you’ve infused enough energy into it. I read my intention every day with full knowledge and joy. I chose to believe that this was happening right now. I did this for a month and then put it away.

6) Acknowledge all the abundance that comes to you in different ways: free gifts, pennies on the floor, free lunches and dinners, prizes you win, tips, raises, even perfect parking spots! – I noticed that I was getting more tips at work, I was starting to earn things, finding all my favorite clothes on sale, signs that I took as magic money!

7) DO NOT get attached to how it will happen: – for example, about $10K was a gift from my parents and at first I thought “Oh, THAT doesn’t count!” This reaction told me that I had a hidden belief that I had to earn it all, that it had to be the result of WORK.

When in reality, attracting money is not working. The Universe takes the path of least resistance and the fastest way to give you what you want. This brings me to the next point.

8) Examine your beliefs about money – By now, ideally, you will have done this already, but if not, now is a good time to see what you think about money and change any negative beliefs that may be keeping you from experiencing real abundance.

Point to remember: These beliefs about money are not yours, they were instilled in you as a child by your primary caregivers, and therefore are YOUR beliefs that you took on. If you have good solid beliefs, you are one of the lucky ones, congratulations!

Most of us had to find our way into the world of new positive beliefs about money and/or are still on that way. Hmmm, I’m going to talk about this (and how to create new beliefs) in another blog post because there is so much to this topic!

9) Allow your goals to change: Yes, this can happen. You may realize that you don’t want the initial thing after all, that what you really want is to be happy, have more time, etc. –

After I hit $60,000 in about 2 years, I didn’t have the same passion for my original goal as before, so I stopped giving it energy. The experiment made me more aware of my values ​​and that I could get what I wanted at any time as long as I was aligned with my desire and believed that I would get it.

10) Celebrate your success!! You are a powerful manifestor, take the time to recognize and love that about yourself. Know that the world truly is your oyster and you can choose to create what you want and live the life you dream of.

Instead of doubting your powers of attraction, actively manage your thoughts, energy/vibration, and desires. Success my friend, it’s yours!

Visit my blog below for the “How to Be a Money Lover and Ease Your Money Environment” series of articles in May. I see you there!

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