Google Trends is an indicator of how many people are searching for a specific term over a period of time. It gives you an overview of the topics the world is searching for. Trends can be further sorted based on geographic location, categories, time period, etc. and also allows you to compare between your searches. The Google Trends platform is quite easy and user friendly. They also have little graphs in addition to the title that show you how hot or cold the topic is in a given amount of time. So how can Google trends help your SEO and create a blog post? Listed below are some ideas that you can implement for your blog, but before that, let’s take a look at the key features of Google Trend.

  1. It shows the popularity of your keywords over time.

  2. Comparison between your searches

  3. Stay up to date with the latest trend going on.

  4. Separate your results regarding images, news or YouTube searches.

Blogging ideas:

Knowledge of the competition: You can type in your competitor’s brand name and see its short-term or long-term trend. If they are on the rise, you can do a deeper study to find out why and how you can leverage their strategies for your own brand.

Historic information: Instead of comparing the trends of the last week, extend the timeline to a full year or more. Google has a lot of information that you can use for your brand in the future. With the help of historical data, you will notice that for most general keywords, a relatively fixed trend that changes from month to month is mostly a definite pattern. You can then use those keywords while on your way to the top to compose and publish your content.

Brainstorm Keywords: Do a regular check on keywords related to your topic and see if there are any down-trending or up-trending keyword phrases. Google trends also help you refine your search for keywords targeting a specific location/countries, which will help you decide if it’s fruitful to use those keywords on your blog while targeting those locations. If the keywords you shortlisted aren’t performing well in the areas you’ve targeted, you can compare them or find another strategy.

Brainstorm topics and ideas for a blog post: Use Google Trending related queries to help you identify the related keywords that people are searching for and further investigate your individual trends and gain insights that will help you publish your blog content. Additionally, you can choose categories in trends, then a subcategory, and also browse that category for content ideas.

Using Google Trends is easy, but figuring out how to make use of most of the information provided takes some time to master. It is a good practice to use Google Trends as a reference source for your content and digital marketing related strategy and to keep up with the trend.

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