Congratulations, Mrs. London. He’s a real estate agent, “I used to joke bittersweetly, that the nurses had told my dear late mother after giving birth to me. I was the eldest son of a thriving third-generation real estate business in the Deep South. It turned out. that, after trying it out for several years in my 20s, real estate was not “my thing” and I later learned after dedicating myself to big-market media and public relations in New York City and Washington DC. dog-eat-dog environment of any kind was not “my thing.” It took a major heart attack to solve it, but as they say, “it takes whatever it takes.” I was “pushed aside” and forced not to. work, and Social Security.

It was the year 2001. I pinched my skin to discover that I was still alive and, having been the active person who perceived me, I began to occupy myself. The first step was to learn golf. That lasted about a month. One might think that since I grew up near Tiger Wood, perhaps by osmosis some of his golfing genius could have caught on. That was not the case. I spent more time in sand traps, pine-filled forests, and shallow lakes than on green grass. Mark Twain was right. Playing golf was “a good ride gone bad.”

Although I had worked in “the real corporate office” for nearly two decades, the more I did it, the more I realized that I was creating a kind of “imbalance” between who I really was and what I was really becoming. I didn’t like who or what I was becoming, that is, a person willing to give up my true friends in pursuit of the almighty dollar, and basically “sell my soul” in the process. I got tired of even the highest paying jobs pretty quickly; some of them others would have (I wish I was kidding here) literally killed to get them.

I remember one day I sat down with a sheet of paper and wrote what “would be an ideal life” for me. I had read in a self-help book that the process of writing a dream or goal on paper was / is actually the first step of action; which is bringing it from the subconscious to the universe. It sounded “a little cheesy” to me, but I was willing to do anything to have a meaningful life for me with at least a semblance of happiness.

The change was not a “neon light experience-Eureka!”; In fact, quite the opposite. In twelve years, one thing led to another. Today I work at home, sometimes in pajamas if I wish. I work with the one I love, my finances. Together we run an online business.

I founded what later became the unconventional Google cartoon and has remained that way since 2005. I have built numerous e-shops filled with fun gifts and collectibles with my cartoon images, from T-shirts to mugs and more. I founded, designed and created the only shoes with the most famous love phrases in the world. I design licensed gifts for actress and author Mariel Hemingway.

Through Twitter, my fiancé and I have met many wonderful people. I was officially adopted by someone I had always greatly admired, Kathy Ireland as her brother, and he is more closely related than anyone I have had to any royal brother. She has another foster brother, Jon, and Jon and I are “the brothers that Kathy never had and Kathy is surely the sister I never had and always wanted. We can and do talk about anything on our minds.

Most importantly, also on Twitter, I met the love of my life. I met her and had waited 54 years to meet her. I had had several opportunities to get married, and both didn’t work out, I’m sure now for “a reason.” If any of them had, I would never have met “Miss Right”, and nothing and no one in the world means more to me than her and my love relationship with her. We work together. We love our job and we work hard at it. We wear a lot of hats.

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