With the new Battle Pet system recently added to World of Warcraft, you have an additional opportunity to make in-game gold. By learning the system and understanding how to carry the most desirable pets, you can start earning money.

How do battle pets make gold?

You can earn money from battle pets by selling or trading them to other players in your kingdom. Any of the companion pets that you have in your hands can be caged and listed in the auction house for sale. While many of these easy-to-get pets aren’t worth a lot of money, the harder-to-find ones should be worth a decent amount.

Determine which pets can be sold

Not all battle pets can be sold, and to determine which ones will make a profit, you need to know which ones can and cannot be sold.

Blizzard has already stated that they do not want wild pets to be sold to players, and that is why you cannot place a wild pet in a cage.

That move severely limits the number of rare pets you can get your hands on, but there are still a handful of companion pets with rare status that you can put up for sale.

Rare pet farming for resale

The only way you can make consistent profit from battle pets is to learn which rare pets can be raised and decide which ones are the best for you.

The two main ways you’ll be able to get your hands on several of the same rare pets is to grow pets that are monster drops like Phoenix Hatchling and Mr. Grubbs, or to get pets from the few pets that are available. through mining and fishing.


Here is a list of cultivable pets that you can take advantage of for profit. This list isn’t extensive, but it should at least get you started on the right foot.

Azure Scion

Dark brood


Hyacinth macaw

Disgusting mucus

Razzashi’s Hatchling

Elementium Geode

Emerald Stem

Gundrak Hatchling

Crimson Scion

Mr. Grubbs

Fox kit

Small shale spider

Dart Sprite Hatchling

Baby phoenix

Giant sewer rat

Each of these pets can be obtained multiple times and it is up to you to decide which ones are the most profitable or realistic in your kingdom.

Choosing your goal

When you start your research, you should search the auction house to find out which of these pets are worth a great deal of money. Once you know which Battle Pets are worth the most, it’s time to decide how difficult it is to farm and if you can regularly farm them for resale.

To do this, you just have to learn what you need to do to get the pet and then decide if you can get them fast enough that the method is worth it.

Battle Pets make for an interesting farming target for people looking to increase their gold supply and will at least add a bit of variety to your grind, at the very least.

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