When my dog ​​ate catnip, I immediately wondered if he was going to start running like crazy or die instead. I had no idea what to expect. I think he will feel calm after we discuss some things.

  • It will not poison your dog! Most dogs do not have any negative reactions. At most there may be some stomach upset but nothing major. That too would only be if he ate A LOT. My dog ​​managed to eat the cat’s two catnip mice. No problem. His stool was a little runny the next day, but nothing to worry about.
  • I may start to sneeze, but that will be the worst. He won’t see his dog getting too sick and sneezing to the point where he can’t do anything else. It may look more like you have dust on your nose. Basically, depending on where the catnip was when he accessed it, it could very well be because the catnip went into his nostrils. Was it loose in a bag or was it part of a mouse that stayed attached for the most part? If he chewed the mouse to shreds, he probably got catnip up his nose!
  • It would be a good idea to double check when buying catnip or a catnip toy for your cat that you buy natural, unsprayed catnip. You always run the risk of something unknown being in the product if it has been sprayed with something for whatever reason. If you start by buying catnip in a more natural state, you will have less of a chance that your dog will have an upset stomach if you decide to seek it out.
  • Catnip may have the same effect on your dog as it does on your cat. If your dog starts running and going crazy (but happy), he’ll get a 2-for-1 deal when it comes to toys for his animals. However, you may need to purchase a sturdier one for your dog!
  • You can make your own dognip toy by removing the stuffing from a regular dog toy and filling it with anise seed or anise extract. This makes a WONDERFUL and inexpensive toy. Especially if you have some extra toys laying around that have seen better days of stuffing. It’s a great way to recycle.
  • If you notice that your dog is getting very tired and sick, and catnip doesn’t seem to be the real problem, you may need to look into dog food options for him. There are many dog ​​foods that are not safe and you may be seeing the symptoms of that. It takes some time to research foods, but make sure you take the time to do it.

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