Post nasal drip is a very unpleasant condition. It is caused by excess mucus that collects in the back of the throat and often leads to coughing, sore throat and bad breath, or halitosis. Having bad breath is very embarrassing, but what makes it worse is that the sufferer is usually the last to know. If you do in fact have this kind of breath right now, you won’t know it unless someone tells you, and that someone may not have the courage to tell you up front unless you ask that person to be totally honest with you. You will only suspect you have this condition when people you are talking to start holding their noses or turning their heads to avoid smelling your breath. Your best recourse to stop this breath caused by postnasal drip is to correct the underlying condition.

There are many remedies for post nasal drip. Some of them can be easily found in your home, such as hot soup or herbal tea. Heat can help loosen and remove excess mucus. A very common and effective home remedy is to drink plenty of water which can help to drain the mucus from the back of the throat. For some people, nasal irrigation goes a long way in relieving discomfort resulting from post nasal drip. You can use a neti pot, nasal douche, or nasal spray. It is important to use warm water mixed with a small amount of salt or baking soda when irrigating the nose or gargling. Many people who suffer from post nasal drip have also found using a facial steamer or humidifier effective.

Some of the foods and drinks we consume contribute to the development of post nasal drip. Such items include coffee, alcohol, and spicy or creamy foods. You can also try to rest for some time as stress can also cause this condition.

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