Earning a CPA can be a daunting and exciting challenge, especially if you are a working mom with a family to care for and a host of other responsibilities waiting for your attention. Preparing healthy meals, dropping off and picking up the kids from school, keeping a clean house, and doing a myriad of other activities related to running a home and caring for a family can eat up the time you need to prepare for your exams. C.P.A. However, it is possible to balance family, household chores, and work with your CPA preparation. Once you pass the CPA exams, you can reach the next level in your career. By following a few simple but essential tips, you should be able to run a well-functioning household while achieving success in your CPA exams.

  1. Learn to prioritize and delegate

    Preparing for a CPA requires considerable attention, so you’ll need to carve out some time from your busy day to study something much needed. This will require you to learn to prioritize the tasks that are most important, like cooking and getting to work on time, and save less crucial tasks for later or even delegate them to your children or spouse. It’s perfectly fine to ask for your family’s support at this time and to be comfortable with the fact that some less important tasks may be left undone while you prepare for your exams. Remember, your house won’t fall apart just because you forget to vacuum or tidy up.

  2. Have a study schedule

    A study schedule is crucial to help you plan your time so you can review CPA material at your own pace without cramming in at the last minute. It also ensures that you spend time reading and free up the rest of your day for work, family, home affairs and other activities.

  3. Use cheat sheets, flash cards, or notebook notes

    You can study on the go or when you have free time by taking advantage of cheat sheets, flash cards or portable notes. This allows you to gain some insight into whether you’re on a coffee break, waiting at a traffic light, or just have a few minutes to yourself during the day or night.

  4. Get rid of or reduce time wasters

    Activities like watching too much TV, hanging out (sometimes) with friends, or surfing the internet for anything other than studying can really eat up your time. Unless they are absolutely necessary, you may need to reduce these activities or get rid of them completely until you have passed the sections of the CPA exam.

  5. Working with a CPA Tutor

    Passing your CPA exams will not only require you to set aside some time to study, but also seek support from a tutor or someone who has successfully passed the exams. A good tutor will work with you to help you organize your time well and ensure that you get the most out of your studies. You will need to obtain the best tutor for your particular situation in order to maximize your chances of success. Companies like Tutor the People provide one-on-one CPA preparation with tutors who work one-on-one with students while providing personalized learning plans and realistic study plans that align with a student’s learning abilities. Tutors are committed to ensuring that you achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

Preparing for CPA exams is challenging. However, by following these few essential tips and committing the necessary time, working moms can maximize their chances of success while balancing work and home.

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