Dual dimensions working together.

We live in a world where Macro Systems and Micro Systems work together to maintain stability and enable evolution. The Macro Systems of Circulation, Muscle, etc., maintain a Homeostatic Stability where adjustments occur relatively slowly. Whereas, Cell Micro Systems and Biochemistry are dynamic and change by milliseconds. The Macro aspect is designed to maintain a relatively stable environment and function. Microsystems are where tiny biochemical interactions allow drastic adjustments to take place in our smallest systems. It is also where small experimental biochemical combinations are ‘tested’ to see how they fit in with the rest of the body’s biochemistry. This is how evolution keeps us prepared for change, this is one of the roles of the Cancer Cell.

Cancer Evolution.

Cancer cells are an important part of the normal functioning of the body. Cancer cells are made and circulate in the body every day. They travel until they are identified by a healthy immune system and destroyed. When the body is overloaded with toxins, poisons, garbage, and undigested food, it cannot work as efficiently to find and kill cancer cells. The true story of how important these specialized cells are to us has not been told, and the true picture of health has generally been lost.

Misreading Cancer.

Generally, when we have a healthy body, it is not surprising that Cancer is not talked about. However, in our modern lifestyle, we have come to accept a high level of; bad eating, toxic air, chemical food and not knowing how to change this. Cancerous growths are a direct indicator of an unhealthy body laden with toxins. However, instead of focusing on keeping the body healthy, we turn to toxic chemotherapy and put more pressure on our immune systems. Our culture has reached a point where there is a lot of missing information and uncertainty about cancer. Have we lost our way?

Methods used before.

When I was young, I would hear about people getting rid of cancerous growths; diets, clean water, fasting, herbs, vitamins and even stress relievers. All these things and many more alternatives really work. They worked in the old days because people copied what nature did when it was sick. There was much more understanding about PREVENTION. Cancerous growths tell us that our bodies are TOO TOXIC and that we need to cleanse and ‘tune up’ our bodily systems. It’s that easy!. The choices we use to cleanse our bodies are personal.

Radionic treatments do it the natural way.

Working with nature is still the best! Using Radionics, the Enhanced Energy Formula is directed through the Spleen Center. Initially, to see if the client is getting the ‘high’, a higher than normal dose is given for the first few days of treatment. Excessive Doses will affect the Throat Chakra and give the Client a persistent cough. Once this initial trial is complete, the dosing rate is reduced somewhat and the cough quickly clears up within twenty hours. Regular monitoring through blood tests will show that ‘Intuitive Body Systems’ automatically ‘know’; what to do and the correct order in which to do it, so that full health can be restored. Response time for recovery will depend on; age, previous lifestyle, location of disease, current lifestyle, smoking and drinking habits, and changes the Client is willing to make in diet, detoxification, and exercise.

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