When I was a kid, my parents told me to watch out for the Boogeyman if I misbehaved or went out after dark. This is something that parents used to tell their children to encourage good behavior and discourage them from going outside without permission. This myth began centuries ago in Europe, where the Boogeyman was another name for the devil. Well, this creature used by parents as a scare tactic may not be real, but there are very dangerous monsters that are real and walk among us. I was about to meet one once.

On June 26, 1977, I was living in Queens, New York, a few blocks from a nightclub called Elephas. I walked near and past that club the whole time. That night Sal Lupo and Judy Placido met at Elephas. Judy was being picked on by a guy who kept flirting with her. Sal stepped in to help her by posing as her boyfriend. It was after three in the morning, so the two of them decided to leave together just in case. They went out and sat in Sal’s car with the windows open because it was raining.

Suddenly, there were loud sounds and glass breaking. Judy and Sal had been shot by the infamous .44 caliber killer. The shots stopped and the perpetrator walked away. Sal and Judy were hurt, but alive. Others were not so lucky. Later identified as David Berkowitz and arrested on August 10, 1977, his attacker killed six people and injured nine others in eight separate attacks. The press dubbed him the ‘Son of Sam’.

David Berkowitz claimed that his neighbor’s dog gave him orders to kill. This is how he interpreted the nocturnal barking sessions of the animal. If the dog continued to bark after one of Berkowitz’s attacks, the Son of Sam believed he was being ordered to kill more people. The dog’s name was Sam Unfortunately, such attacks are not unique in the history of crime.

The FBI estimates that at least 50 serial killers are operating in the United States today. A perpetrator has to murder at least three people to be considered a serial killer. By that standard, there are probably over 500 serial killers currently active across the country. Because? Because it is difficult to identify them. Some, like the infamous Zodiac Killer, have never been identified or caught.

Zodiac operated in Northern California from the late 1960s to the early 1970s. Five deaths are directly related to it, with another 28 suspected. He claimed to have murdered a total of 37 people in taunting letters to the police and newspapers. The total number of victims for others is much higher. Andrei Chikatilo, also known as The Red Ripper, confessed to the murders of 56 women and children between 1978 and 1990 in the Russian SFSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the Uzbekistan SSR.

Psychiatrists who have had the opportunity to speak personally with captured serial killers have discovered that they all suffer from antisocial personality disorder. In 2017, the Mayo Clinic explained the behavior of people with ASPD this way: “People with antisocial personality disorder tend to antagonize, manipulate, or treat others harshly or with callous indifference. They show no guilt or remorse for their behavior. People with antisocial personality disorder often break the law, becoming criminals.”

Serial Killers live in the real world, but maintain a surreal world that belongs exclusively to them. In their world they justify murder as the sensible solution to any need they have or mission they must fulfill. That world is their secret identity and they will do anything to protect it. Those who don’t get caught tend to be highly intelligent and able to control themselves to the point of trying to stay under the police radar. Their biggest weapon when recaptured is that they tend to kill randomly.

If the police or the feds can’t connect the dots when it comes to victims and locations, there’s not much else they can do except hope that a tip from the public brings some results. Random crimes involving rape, murder and physical assault to steal are not just a problem for the police, they can affect any of us at any time. The best way to avoid these situations is to learn more about the people who are likely to commit the crimes, where they might occur, and what you can do to stay safe.

Since serial killers suffer from ASPD and are experts at hiding their secret identities, we can assume that they could be anyone. If someone new comes into your personal or work life, practice persistence. Wait a long time before responding to any invitation from that person that results in you being alone with them for any amount of time. Serial killers and most rapists are impatient. If they say no to invitations to eat together, go out on a date, or just meet up socially after work, they’ll move on to someone else who’s less wary.

If you live in a town that is not a city and is located near a major road, you and your loved ones need to be very careful. This is no longer the United States of your great-grandparents. Early morning, late night, and dinner hours are when murderers and rapists who hunt in rural areas tend to strike. Running alone has become too much of a threat for women and men. Go out to social events in groups and set a curfew for yourself and other members of your family. Don’t fall into a Bundy trap. Serial killer Ted Bundy wore a fake sling and asked women to help him get in or out of his car.

Knowing the types of traps serial killers and rapists use goes a long way in keeping yourself safe, so practice your due diligence and learn as much as you can. Knowledge is your best weapon against these criminals. Not only will you keep yourself and your family safe; You will help your friends and co-workers stay safe by helping them avoid situations that could put them in danger. For more information, visit http://cknell.tripod.com/serial.html

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