Whenever a woman meets a new guy, they are always testing the guy by giving him one test or another, unbeknownst to him, in an attempt to determine what kind of guy he is. Some have gone so far as to have their friends try to catch him, more or less, to see if he’s the cheat type and all sorts of fun stuff. However, most women don’t know that men also have a test or two up their sleeves. They also want to know what kind of girl you are, especially when they are thinking about having a future with you. Some of the tests you are discreetly graded on include:

bitch potential

o How sure are you?

You are bold?

Are you crazy about them?

bitch potential

This is a simple test that men do and some women don’t even know what’s going on. When you go out with your guy, watch carefully how you treat other people, especially people you have nothing to benefit from. Gas station workers, restaurant waitress, cash register cashier, etc. Do you smile? Do you say thank you when you are served in a restaurant? These are subtle things that really show what you’re made of. It tells you what to expect when the honeymoon period is over and you are in a deep relationship. Be careful; turn on the charm when you interact with people. It doesn’t hurt to be nice.

How sure are you?

Every time a guy starts talking about his previous girlfriends on his own without asking you, he’s testing your reaction. By the time you both met you must have been dating and most people won’t qualify for sainthood but he wants to know if you’re safe and won’t be threatened by the fact that he’s been with other women but but really he likes you. He doesn’t want that to be a stumbling block in the future when you find out and can’t handle it. When he mentions these stories, stay calm and ask questions for later, when you get to know each other better.

you are bold

He may want to know if you are daring or adventurous. He might ask you out on a date that involves some kind of activity that you’re not used to or haven’t done before. It could be rock climbing, running a marathon, or even shooting paintball. He wants to know if you’re open to trying new things, and most of all, he’s asking you out on another date and he’s not sure if you’re interested in seeing him again. So he camouflages it. The bottom line is that he likes you and isn’t sure what your feelings are for him.

Are you crazy about them?

With this question, a guy effectively kills two birds with one stone. When he asks you what you’re doing or if you’re busy from the start while he gets to know you, he’s really trying to figure out if you’re independent and won’t be co-piloting him every time he moves. Second, he wants to know if he has penetrated your defense wall. So when he asks if you’re busy, even if you’re not, tell him you have a thing or two to take care of, and every once in a while, pass up an invitation to hang out without any explanation. This keeps him guessing and also keeps you on his mind at all times. It also reassures him that you have a life outside of him and there won’t be any pressure to come up with activities all the time for both of you.

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