Riva finds herself back at that crossroads of life 15 years ago, choosing between Aman and Ben. Meeting Aman now brought the incredible possibility of a fantastic flight from the dull routine her married life had become. Ben represented the more practical side of Riva, where she played important roles as wife, daughter, sister and friend. Jaishree Misra boldly writes about the male-female relationship in her novel “Secrets and Sins”. It’s a bold triangle that she serves as husband, wife, and ex-lover. The novel escapes being of poor quality and hackneyed since the emotions of the protagonists are managed aesthetically, leaving aside the sexual nuances.

Despite the bold title “Secrets and Sins”, it focuses more on the emotional bond of marriage than on its physical side. Jaishree also has before us the marriages of Kaaya, Susan, Aman and Riva to help us compare and contrast the types of marriages and the way they work. His characterization is excellent since we are aware of what each character thinks and that helps to develop our empathy. However, the story is a cliché; an old wine in a new bottle but with an innovative handling. The little twist she gives to the culture in which the westernized Susan is more conservative than the traditionally raised Riva, makes it clear that attitude shapes personality. Jaishree has also shed light on what happens when men are less successful than women and how patriarchal attitudes rear their ugly head. The marriage is definitely the major focus of the story, but the relationships leave a lasting impression on our minds.

Riva was one of the comfortable second-generation kids living in the UK who drifted in and out of their two worlds, taking what they wanted from both. It was in 1994 that Aman and Riva met at Leeds University. She was a scoundrel, leaflet-tossing, eloquent platform speaker, who recruited the fledgling, newly joined Aman in her cause. A brief attraction had flared between them, and then Riva had gotten back together with her witty, intellectual boyfriend Ben hers. Riva confides in her close friend Susan that they were far apart culturally, but she mistook her fascination with him being Indian for love. Riva and Ben had much more in common than Aman, but something had kept that poignant memory alive between them over the distance that spanned continents and a time span of 15 years.

Aman is a famous movie star now. Riva is an acclaimed and award-winning writer. She was quite used to seeing some of Aman’s movies twice, even three times, and she was always surprised that the longing for him hadn’t disappeared. Riva thought Aman looked quite handsome up there on the movie screen. Ben and Riva’s marriage is going through a rough patch and Ben has to kill his own dragons. He is struggling to make his mark in the field of writing, as he quit his job to do so. The love in his marriage has dried up. Her male ego has reared its ugly head when Riva is feted and feted. Riva reveals to Susan that he’s a bit grumpy because she’s getting recognition when her own career has ground to a halt.

Ben tortures himself by wondering, how could Riva not fail to notice the difference between his failure and Aman Khan’s success? Ben knew that something dark about Aman Khan had captured Riva’s heart all those years ago, allowing her to never forget him. He also knew that if he could muster some energy, he would put the spark back into his marriage. The attraction between Aman and Riva explodes when they get together at the Cannes film festival. Riva can’t help but fall in love with Aman all over again. The only way we can rationalize Riva’s little indiscretion with Aman is through Susan, who feels that Riva has never been as conservative in her views on marriage as she was herself. It’s encouraging how Jaishree has brought to life the tenuous bond the friends share. This novel exhibits one of the most beautiful friendships that two women can have; between Riva and Susan; one that nurtures and supports each other.

Riva wouldn’t have slept with Aman if she hadn’t felt that she was in love with him. However, adultery was so wrong that it was wrong to even think of it as love. Riva has to intellectualize her reaction and realize that it was the idea of ​​her lost Indian identity that attracted him, rather than Aman himself. Aman rationalizes that all long-term relationships go through bad phases and most of them ultimately succeed. Ben had admitted that he had allowed his own frustrations to turn to jealousy, not only for Riva’s writing career, but for the life she was developing independently of him. This sends him back to his house to be there to greet Riva when she returns from Cannes. Susan, her friend, is her crutch; her boat in her sea of ​​chaos, while she was with Ben that she was home, where she belonged. When she returns to Ben and her love, it’s as if Cannes and Aman were nothing more than a bad dream.

“Secrets and Sins” is one of the most satisfying books I have ever read as it delves deep into the psyche of a woman who is entangled in the web of adultery. The strength of a woman was also manifested, who is able to scrutinize the stone and the diamond and recognize it as she is. Riva is the quintessential evolved woman, who sees beyond physical attraction and connects with her heart, with the person she is deeply in love with; ben It is a love story that transcends cultures and constrains traditions.

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